For the first time in human history the impact that humanity has on our earth is greater than the natural processes. Knowledge is not humanity’s problem it is the wisdom to choose effective options that will care for earth’s ecosystem.
Three quotes are pertinent here the first is by Alexander Pope a poet whose work spanned the 15th and 16th centuries. A little learning is a dangerous thingdrink deep or taste not the Pieren spring. In this poem Pope is saying in effect that superficial understanding of anything can lead to erroneous or dangerous conclusions. Einstein and Gandhi in the 20th century gave quotes that echo similar sentiments. Einstein’s Two quotes “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” and “He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”Another quote is by Einstein ‘the problems we have created will not be solved by the same thinking that caused them!’
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”
What do these quotes urge us to do releative to be a Custodian of our earth? They urge us to know what are the issues that affect our earth, how we can impart the knowledge about what is happening and act individually to male a difference in our lives. Also to get enough of us as a community to make a difference as we as humans are now the main source of change on our earth.
To advance civilizations extraction of earth resources is required, but the waste humanity is creating is reducing critical resources and requires a circular economy where waste can be eliminated.
Two of the main sources that significantly negative impact on human populations are air and plastic pollution. Air pollution causes more than 7 million deaths annually and, plastic waste occurs on land to the deepest parts of the earth’s oceans and will overwhelm our oceans if action is not taken!
WATER – OUR EARTH”S MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE Fresh water is fundamental to the existence of all life on our earth and our most precious resource. Fresh to total water is 3%. However, of that, 2.5% is unavailable as it is locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps, atmosphere, and soil, is highly polluted or lies too far beneath the earth’s surface to be affordably extracted leaving only 0.5% of the earth’s water as fresh available water.
Clearing of vegetation reduces transpiration from plants and water vapour and capacity to create clouds. It creates dry bare earth, increasing local temperatures and the potential for regional climate variations and, on a larger scale contribute to climate change
From more than 45 years of experience we can deliver :
Geology for safe local Development
Major Flooding and land slips has occurred in southeast Queensland over the past 50 years and these geohazards have been major community issues and sources of loss for residents. The flooding and land slip issues have greatly affected the community with loss of possessions, destruction of dwellings, businesses and their inventory and public infrastructure.
The recent 2022 floods created a huge amount of destroyed hous ehold and business and created a major economic setback that will take the region years to recover from. It does not make sense to continue to allow any further unsustainable development on any flood prone land subject to riverine inundation without major modification of existing dwellings on these sites and significantly better planning when these events occur to rapidly move possessions to higher ground.
The principal was involved in creating all current geological maps of the southeast Queensland region and the first Geoscience GIS package (SEQ GIS) for the Geological Survey of Queensland. These maps show areas of high level alluvium (ie areas subjected to river inundation) during periods pf major flooding of the Brisbane River. Historically, during construction of the city of Brisbane, many creek lines were covered by roads and have storm water drains.
These old creek lines and their associated flood plains back up through the storm water drains and the sewers to inundate the flat areas close to creeks and the river during periods of excessive rain fall. As large flat areas close to creeks in the Brisbane area flood during these events buildings in these floodable areas should be higher and not have any areas of permanent occupation at the ground level.
He has knowledge of government constraints to development at the State departments and Local Authority level that may be crucial to your development proposals. Additionally, building materials for houses use clay for bricks and tiles. Recent projects in this region have linked the known geology to industrial mineral resources and development of land parcels .
A Local example of recording and updating the stratigraphy of the eastern Surat Basin.
A report called interpreting and integrating regional airborne radiometric and magnetic geophysical imagery over the Surat Basin with boreholes and other data demonstrates that coal seam gas producing units (Springbok Sandstone and Walloon Coal Measures) can be defined in outcrop at the northern basin margin. This package of coal seam gas producing units could be distinguished from the underlying Mesozoic Eurombah Formation and overlying Westbourne Formation. The geochemical signatures of the different geological units were used to update the stratigraphy of the Surat basin in the area of outcrop.
In the subsurface, extension of the boundaries of the sub-cropping coal seam gas producing units beneath Cainozoic cover rocks was generated through interpreting and integrating regional airborne magnetic and radiometric imagery, coal seam gas drilling, stratigraphic drilling, water bore data, previous geological mapping and local knowledge from coal seam mining in the Walloon Coal Measures. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the extent of the entire sub crop extent of these units it was also necessary to understand the deposition sequence of the overlying Cainozoic Condamine Basin. This was by interpreting logs of water bore data and integrating these with regional radiometric and satellite imagery and also using hylogger multispectral analysis of surface and core samples combined with hand-held portable XRF results.
Cranfield Geoservices is an internationally featured Geological consultancy in Brisbane with a comprehensive knowledge of basin areas in Queensland. This has been gained through understanding the principles of basin analysis and its application to geological mapping of the units of basins of southern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. The principal has more than 30 years’ experience in coal and stratigraphic drilling, sedimentology, interpretation of facies variations, wireline logging assisting interpretation of stratigraphic units of basins and a comprehensive knowledge of the lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of these basins. This knowledge is transferable to other basin areas globally and is modified to suit the unique evolutionary of the basins that form the focus of a company’s exploration.
Queensland has a series of structural elements with ages ranging from Proterozic to Holocene
The main outcropping mineralised province (containing base and precious metals) is the Proterozoic age Mount Isa inlier in the northwest of the State. Coloured area in blues, browns along the eastern seaboard of Queensland are part of the Tasman Orogenic Zone that ranges in age from Ordovician to Permian. These areas produce mainly precious metals and copper.
Basin areas that overlie these older rocks range in age from Permian to Cretaceous (green areas) in south-eastern Queensland and covering the central area of the state through to the top of Cape York. These basin areas produce most of the states’ oil and conventional gas, coal and unconventional coal seam gas. Basin areas include the major coal resources of the Bowen basin and a proposed new project in the Galilee Basin at the Adani Carmichael Mine Site that is seeking final approvals from government agencies.
Some predicted geological boundaries are shown on the image as thicker black, blue and white lines, however, the variations in the chemistry from airborne radiometrics predicted new boundaries that were confirmed through field work over two separate periods. Most basins in the central part of Queensland were mapped in the 1960s prior to the availability of remotely sensed satellite and regional airborne geophysics that has covered most of the Australian continent. The variations in chemistry and topography that can be demonstrated by these techniques combined with regional landscape studies assist markedly in updating geological maps of these basins in areas where surficial outcrop is poor.
The cross validation and integration of different geoscience data sets allows for the creation of multiple views of the geology from an Arc GIS created map product using Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland’s customised version of the software. Identification of mapping line data as surficial, buried below one or multiple layers allows for a range of 3-dimensional views of the same data.
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