Cranfield Geological Services

Exploration And Mining solutions

Primary ore crusher Ok Tedi Mine
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Choose Cranfield Geoservices (CGSI) for your  mineral and energy exploration  and mining project solutions

  • Combined experience of  more than 45 years in the mineral and energy exploration and mining industry development of minerals and energy projects
  • We work on improving your investor profile based on the viability of your business decisions for your exploration targeting, resource evaluation, pit and plant design, product off take and delivery to market.
  • We deliver an end to end solution from grass roots field operations, target generation and geological mapping of prospects to strategic planning for whole of mine operations through to mine closure.  
  • Our expert interpretation of the existing geology and  geological content of  geophysical, remote sensing  and geochemistry data allows us to identify additional opportunities to drive targeting for your exploration.
  • We consequently deliver an integrated industry service to drive value for your investors


Cranfield Geoservices

Cranfield Geoservices is also linked to IT expertise in the mining industry through its association with the Cravern Group  to allow us to offer a range of expertise in exploration and mining services.  This link can assist explorers and miners in delivering better outcomes to their investors.

Our geological exploration service includes geological data compilation and reviews of existing information,  through to grass roots field operations and target generation and geological mapping of prospects.  A program and budget project management and implementation will be designed and costed for your exploration licence .

Our agency can deliver expert interpretation of the existing geology and the geological content of geophysical, remote sensing  and geochemistry imagery and data that drive targeting for your exploration.  This interpretation covers areas ranging from true greenfields with no historical exploration  and containing  only remote sensing and regional geophysical and  geological maps data through to brown fields area with numerous historical drill holes and historical mining.  The defining of the extent of  mineral systems and mechanisms of fluid flows and deposition will be addressed to generate the more prospective targets.

Our schema for  ranking of  minerals targets systematizes exploration, project planning and project management that allows CGSI to create a program in which consistent update and revision of  data to allows flexible adjustment of the program so that the better targets are consistently prioritised and adequately explored.
