Four major Benefits
– Choose Cranfield Geoservices and the Team of IT specialists within the Cravern Group to manage your mineral and exploration projects.
- Identify any legal impediments for your proposed exploration through an in depth knowledge of Mining Acts and regulations that may affect proposed applications for exploration and future mining
- Expert integrating of geological mapping, mineral and energy resource digital data from historical data sets
- Identify and Target mineral or energy resource potential in your tenement
- Develop a processing method for your resource after delineation of an economic resource
Geological project management options for clients
Cranfield Geoservices Geological consultancy based in Brisbane, Queensland offers a range of project management options. These are based on project complexity, desired project outcomes and human and data resources available to the client . A range of geological mapping, mineral and energy resource projects and programs have been undertaken during the course of the principal’s career.
It is vital to have project management projects linking to a coordinated program structure that covers the eventualities of mission critical tasks associated with each project.
A geological consulting service requires effective and efficient project management and problem-solving mechanisms to deliver the outcomes of the service. Each project has its own challenges and requires careful identification of the issues needed to be solved including the IT hardware and software and the tasks and research to be undertaken. There are a range of simple tools such as MS project and online project management software tools such as Google project management , that can be used in this process. For larger programs and projects, the project management schedule may require enterprise project management software. These larger projects may require both program and project management and use appropriate project tracking software to link all tasks into program management. The choice of the methods used depend on the clients requirements, the complexity of the project, reporting schedules for a company’s board, shareholders and to the ASX or TSX or other regulatory bodies.
Cranfield Geoservices is skilled in project and program management, geological mapping, active and passive remote sensing, interpretation of the geological information related to a range of geophysical data, mineral target generation, basin analysis, geological skills training and report writing.
Programs / projects undertaken
2019: Ground water resources for cropping of vegetables for the Brisbane and Toowoomba markets during a bad protracted drought in eastern Australia and coal and mineral resources at the margin of the Bowen Basin.
2018: Clay resources south-east Queensland, assessment of illegal mining for gold out of lease boundaries, assessment of a geotechnical drilling program for development at Dinmore.
2015-2017: Surat Basin coal seam gas units, Mongolian National Geological Survey
2013: Mining and exploration tenure and production statistics for Sovereign wealth Fund, PNG
2009-2012: – Senior Program and project management Geological Survey Division, PNG
2003-2009: – Senior Program and project management, Mineral Resources Studies, Queensland
2003: – Lecturing program management- field techniques, remote sensing, GIS , Hong Kong
2002: Senior Program and tenure project management, Queensland
1998-2002: Senior Program and Project management, Southern Region, Queensland
1995-1998: Senior Project Management, Southeast Queensland Project
1969-1990 Project management and team leadership
Geological mapping – Ipswich/Brisbane 1970-1973, Maryborough 1979-1994 (1:250 000 scale), Ipswich 1978-1981, Brisbane 1981-1982, Clarence Moreton Basin 1988; Gympie 1990-1993,
Mineral occurrence,mine investigations and drilling:- Maryborough 1:250,000 1991-1992, Kingaroy, 1997; Boondooma, 1998 (1:100 000 scale); Moreton Bay Islands water resources 1977.
Stratigraphic and Basin Drilling:- Ipswich 1972-1974; Gympie, 1973-1975, Maryborough, 1979 – 1982 (1:250 000 maps); Nambour 1977; Brisbane 1978; Ipswich 1978-1979, Rumula, 1990 (1:100 000 scale).
Geotechnical Studies: Baroon Pocket Dam and proposed Mary River Dam scoping studies
Remote sensing (Landsat TM, airphoto) and airborne geophysics image generation and interpretation :-Ipswich, 1978; – Charters Towers, 1990; Lyndbrook, 1986; Gympie ,1991-1992; Hann River, Walsh and Red River, 1993; Nanango/Goomeri/Nambour, 1993-1994; Ridgelands/Rockhampton, 1993-1994; Lolworth, 1994;
Environmental / land use issues: Examining suitability of a proposed radioactive materials storage site;Environmental problems at Mount Taylor gold mine near Brisbane, 1989; contribution to AGSO (Geoscience Australia) cities project in SE Qld; GIS data for local authorities based on geohazards studies in SE Qld ;Assessing land zones and vegetation protection against development applications
Languages and writing skills for use in global projects
English – high level proficiency writing and editing of geological and mining technical operations; French – First year university High Distinction level; German – First year university Distinction level; Spanish – one year using Internet Duolingo; Japanese – Two semester studies