Introduction to: Custodians, the Book.
I hope you have enjoyed the video that introduces the reason for the theme of the Earthwise Custodians app.
The name includes two concepts:
1. Being a custodian and working to sustaining our ecosystem through knowledge and wisdom to solve problems humanity has created progressively over the past 10000 years but have reached crisis levels due to very rapid increases in technology and the impact of rapidly increasing global populations on an interconnected ecosystem.
2. Humanity is now the major agent of change on earth in a geological epoch termed the Anthropocence
The theme custodians commenced through writing of the book Custodians – a view for caring for our earth and was updated and refined through research into an online course called ‘ Earth Custodians’ .
Understanding what it means to be a custodian
Choosing any level of membership within the app. gives the reader access to module 1, Preamble to the course and access to module questions relating to this module that form part of the Q and A bonus Zoom sessions that are part of the paid versions of Earth Custodians.
From within the app, it is possible to download directly both the summary and full contents of all the course modules.
You may navigate from the TOP-LEFT App menu, to have access to both the free introductory section and to the complete paid-for course.