Government Corruption, Collapse of Previous Civilisations, and Geological Processes Create Landscapes and Resources that Delop Human civilisations.
Geohistory and Geo-Awareness – Processes that Create the Landscapes and Resources of a Region Enhance Urban Settlements to Form Its Most Pro minent Megacity.
Global Geohistory National and Geo-Parks, World Heritage Parks.
Resource Requirements Linked to Technological Changes.
New Resources and Acceptable Business Practices.
21st Century Critical Issues Affecting the Planet and Human Civilisations.
Human-Induced Change – Pollution, Land Degradation and Climate – Many Questions to Ponder.
Powering Humanity to Sustain Our Earth Now and in the Future.
Conclusions – Ways Forward
Lessons from history show that when leaders are greedy, lazy, ignorant and /or corrupt that civilisations can collapse. The building of megacities in the new world was based on access to these resources, their value, and economic transport to a lucrative market and availability of natural resources in the hinterland.
The protection of unique natural landscapes and cultural heritage has developed over the past 250 years. The reasons for past mass extinctions is geological processes in the past, but human induced change is now the greatest source of ecosystem change.
Large-scale geological processes that affect- our earth
Geological processes, governments and human civilisation
Geohistory of megacities (New York and Sydney)
Geohistory of natural wonders and ancient civilizations
Human ecosystem degradation and effects on climate
Mass extinctions
Chemistry and Technology
Power generation, renewable and non-renewable sources
What are the components of climate change? its effects and how can humanity change to do something about it?
SIM: Sustainability in Mining
Proposed actions
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