CRANFIELD GEOSERVICES (CGSI)-Brisbane – Experience and service options
NEWS FLASH- book and course Custodians and Earth Custodians (Vision For Caring For Our Earth’s Ecosystem) are available . SEE- Main Menu: Custodians |

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Geological Processes influence the evolution of human civilisations and changes to the balance of our earth’s ecosystem. Sustainable development is a key requirement for Mineral and Energy Resources Projects. Project Management, Data Integration is a service that can be provided for Local and International Exploration. Based on a long and successful geological career our company can deliver expert Geological Industry Training Services.
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AUTHOR -in late 2022 of a new book – Custodians – a view for caring for our earth shows how geological processes have created resources and landscapes that influenced the rise of civilisations. The book also shows how human-induced change is threatening the balance of our earth’s ecosystem. Custodians is available as a kindle book from Amazon and as a paperback version. AUTHOR of an online course –Earth Custodians 2023
- MANAGING -mineral and energy exploration,
- DEVELOPING – MINING and DECISION-SUPPORT BUSINESS services for exploration and mining decisions
- HIGH LEVEL SOLUTIONS – Mining Acts and Regulations in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Mongolia and Global methods of creating Mining Legislation
- GUIDING – local development and sustainability
DELIVERING –Queensland geological investigations and data integration for infrastructure development
RESOLVING – Data inconsistencies between disparate geological sets and creating unified database structure,
- INTEGRATING – Geological information for development of local housing, community infrastructure and mineral and energy projects,
- CREATING – High level information sources for investors on mineral and energy company websites and, through digital marketing and demonstrate effective and efficient company management with a strategic solution-based approach to the major challenges of each project,
- DEMONSTRATING – GEOTOURISM and ECOTOURISM to visitors – local geology, ecology and human history.
For information and details of experience of how we can assist your project, service or communication with investor ring me on – 0498259376, (+61498259376 (M) -international).
History of the company
The Principal Leonard Cranfield had a career spanning more than 50 years in the Queensland Geological Survey, as Chief Government Geologist and consultant to Papua New Guinea and delivering industry projects through Cranfield Geological Service International Pty Ltd.
Cranfield Geological Services International Pty Ltd (CGSI) was established in late 2015. Its first geological services consultancy was updating geological mapping, geological stratigraphy and geological structure of the eastern margin of the Surat basin to resolve issues of the previous geological mapping of this area carried out from late 1960s to early 1970 and unique local issues such as the reason for large gases emissions in parts of the Condamine River.
The Geological mapping and project management of the coal seam gas resource project delivered a new perspective of the distribution of coal seam gas geological units in the Surat Basin to a consortium of coal seam gas companies.
CGSI has undertaken geological resource projects in Queensland in coal seam gas, clay for bricks in southeast Queensland, water resources in the north of Gatton in the Clarence Moreton Basin and in coal and copper -gold mineralization, gold mining on the margin of the Bowen Basin. In Mongolia the principal was engaged as an international geological expert in assessing and developing a work plan to establish a proposed National Geological Survey and to review Mining legislation.
In 2018 and 2019 there a different focus for the company as it was to learn how to create informative websites for mining and exploration entities. From 2018-2020 consultancy work has included brick and water resource studies in southeast Queensland and coal and mineral resources in central Queensland.
Cranfield Geoservices website and digital marketing forms part of that focus and its aim was to improve websites and digital marketing in the Australian mining industry (see below for qualifications). This focus is in the upgrade of company websites and directories linked to exploration and development services to improve the global visibility of these parts of the industry and to inspire investor confidence. We are linked with the Cravern Group of IT ore processing specialists from late 2017 to provide an end-to-end service for your exploration and mining project.
However from 2019 sight issue (Glaucoma) has resulted in loss of a driving licence with a change in focus to writing a book and online course. This was in recognition of the need for the industry to improve its credentials in sustainable development and to identify the most destructive human-induced change to earth’s ecosystem. This resulted in the publishing of a book Custodian – A vision for caring for our earth (ALSO AVAILABLE AS A KINDLE BOOK FROM AMAZON) and an online course Earth Custodians downloadable from the apple store and Google play.
Check out our Custodian product range developed in 2022 and 2023.
Geological and website design and Digital marketing
Qualifications of the principal include a MSc from James Cook University of North Queensland. BSc majoring in Geology and chemistry and a BA majoring in Geography. Qualification in website design and build are from eBusiness institute Australia. These include, Entrepreneurs Master Program, Web Development Program, and motto, Webmaster word Press website development, Data analytics, management, security, Design, Content marketing, conversion, UX Design, Digital marketing and SEO audit.
These include recognition from the Whos who registry and World Wide Branding and are given below:
WHOs WHO Registry – Rated top mining and energy consultant Australia 2017-2018
WHOS WHO REGISTRY – Global Expert of the year Geological Consultant Australia 2016
Worldwide WHOs WHO Registry of executives , professionals and entrepreneurs 2015-2016
VIP Member of World Wide Branding 2015
1.Mineral and Energy resource identification data integration and report editing and staff training,
2. Project management, program management, coal resources, mineral resources, geological mapping, basin analysis, geo-technical studies, stratigraphic analysis, remote sensing and geophysics interpretation, target generation, geological skills training for staff and scientific report writing.
3. Website Building and Digital Marketing qualifications from a registered training organisation with a focus on building highly converting mining company websites;and digital marketing strategies to assist investor knowledge of mineral and energy projects.
4. We have public liability and professional liability insurances. A Facebook site contains information about work in Papua New Guinea and Mongolia.
Cranfield Geological Services International Pty. Ltd. (CGSI) was founded in 2015 specifically for an Industry Priority Project to update the outcrop and sub-crop location of the producing coal seam gas units of the Surat basin, Queensland and deliver an updated geological mapping framework to the Surat basin, south-east Queensland
CURRENT FOCUS: Cranfield Geoservices is a Brisbane-based geological consultant with specialised geological and project management skills training of staff in exploration companies in the fields of geological mapping, mineral and energy resource targeting, development of mineral and energy resources, mining tenement evaluation, basin analysis, project management and improvement of the quality of exploration and mining company websites.
An interest in global geohistory tourism has focused on creating sites for the Konect Tourism phone App. Current goals of the company are to continue to promote geology and tourism applications, further develop GIS, imagery and databases with industry partners, update websites and use artificial intelligence to facilitate, identify and solve impediments to development of a resource. This information would better inform investors in the mining industry of the real issues of developing mineral and energy projects and give them greater confidence tin their investments.
2022-2023: Creating and editing the online course ‘Earth Custodians’. This course is currently available on Google Play and the Apple Store and includes a range of free content including a summary of modules of the course, free access to Module 1, and after registering access to a preamble and a a workbook for Module 1.. There is also paid content for learning from all 12 modules with a series of bonuses for bronze, silver and gold members>
2020-2021; consulting for agriculture and grazing and writing a book ‘custodians – a view for caring for our earth ‘ and an online course
2020 Is the year of COVID-19 virus and a redirection of life focus. The possibility of working as a field geologist due to health issues has passed due to eyesight issues and the company is moving towards a focus on ensuring sustainability for all major projects that are either community or resource-focused. This focus will see the delivery of products on this site to assist members of the global community be aware of the geological and ecological imperatives needed to ensure a sustainable civilisation.
Another option is the Kindle version of the book Custodians (Available from Amazon)
Coal and Copper Gold Resources Clermont area
In I undertook a consultancy at the margin of the Bowen basin at its contact to the Anakie Inlier. In this region there are coal resources overlying older deformed basement rocks of the Inlier, locally intruded by rocks of the Retreat Batholith. The project included identifying both coal resources and possible mineralisation in the underlying basement.
Current operations were a consultancy involving an integrated interpretation of Falcon airborne gradiometer gravity, radiometrics and magnetics linked to the results of coal resource drilling and underlying porphyry-style copper-gold mineralization at the western margin of the Bowen Basin. Proposed work for later in the year includes assessment of mineral prospects in the northern part of Papua New Guinea and Mongolia.
Clay resources to service the local Brisbane and south-east Queensland market for bricks
Light burning clays in southeast Queensland have been utilised for brick making . Much of the resource has been affected by Cainozoic deep weathering (lateritisation) that has created a range of suitable clay types. Queensland Globe ( gives a series of links to key geological maps and reports that cover a range of resources from industrial minerals to precious metals. The investigation work for Austral Bricks included a testimonial from their staff geologist – “I personally think you did the best investigation in all the ones I have seen submitted to this organisation”.
A current project is the search for industrial minerals in southeast Queensland. The greater demands for high quality clay products with specific properties in this part of the industry requires an integration of additional data sets in particular land parcel size and land tenure and the availability of current and future energy infrastructure and road corridors to bring products to market.
September 2015- July 2017:
Surat Basin Project Basin Analysis consultancy – work on this industry priority project covering the period September 2015 to December 2016 was published in July 2017. This project showed the values of integrating airborne geophysics, remote sensing, databases of borehole intersection and existing digital mapping to upgrade surface and subsurface mapping and utilise magnetic data to interpret subsurface mapping of geological units. This project included a July 2017 report launch with State Government (DNRM) and Coal Seam Gas Industry representatives.
This project work extended mapping revised the stratigraphy of the basal units of the Surat Basin and redefined the extent of the producing coal seam gas units close to their areas of outcrop. It also updated work on DNRM’s SEQ GIS. This was the Government’s first Geoscientific GIS. It was first released in 1998 and updated in 2000.
April-June 2016:
As an International Geological Expert in Mongolia with Adam Smith International (funded by DFAT), project management identified roles for a National Geological Survey of Mongolia(NGS) and a strategic plan to recreate the NGS was completed.
2014 – Major downturn Of the Mining industry globally
No employment
2009- 2013 Papua New Guinea(2013)
It this period the principal held roles of Executive Manager (EM), Geological Survey Division (2009-2012), Mineral Resources Authority (MRA),) and International Consultant Assessor (ICA), Mineral tenure (2013), Regulatory Operations Division(MRA). Work in these roles resulted in improving processes to assess Exploration reporting and assessing mining tenure. This period was also characterized by the creation of a geothermal energy group in MRA in conjunction with Geological and Nuclear Sciences in New Zealand GNS). MOUs were undertaken with GNS to carry out collaborative geothermal chemical studies, and with China Geological Survey to train MRA staff to collect samples for a national geochemical survey. In addition, geological mapping from the EU-funded GEOMAP was reviewed and seamlessly joined with mapping by Geoscience Australia over PNG. A data package of radar flown by DIGO (Australia) was used to assist in updating the geological mapping. As a member of the Mining Advisory council (MAC) in PNG the principal reviewed all applications for granting and renewal of tenure in PNG from 2009 to 2012 in his role as EM and in 2013 as ICA .
2003-2009- Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) and The University of Hong Kong
2003 to 2009 – as Geoscience Manager, Mineral Resource Studies, the principal lead a group in DNRM who completed the first pass of the mineral resources of Queensland by locating historical working and current operations from areas not already covered in previous field campaigns. This was done on a Province basis similar to that for geological mapping. In this period, GSQ became a partner in the predictive mineral discoveries cooperative research program (Pmd*CRC). This project studied mineral deposits analogously to energy resources using the creation of mineralizing fluids, identifying and predicting direction and method of fluid flow to sites of deposition and the identifying that mineralizing systems are much larger than the extent of known mineral deposits. A better understanding of the age and chemistry of potential fluids, direction of fluid flows, structural dislocations, dilatant zones and host rock chemistry and the timing of mineralization was required to better understand mineraliztion in a region. To this end, a geochemist role was created in the group, a project to acquire age dating of source rocks from university theses was funded . A nationally-focused project completed at that time was the Queensland contribution to the National Geochemical Survey of Australia, which was a regional geochemical study of drainage basins of Australia for basins. Information gained from this study identified significant areas in Cape York that were further studied in later surveys. In 2003 at the The University of Hong Kong (HKU) as assistant professor. the principal created and delivered courses to assist students in field techniques, report writing methods, air photo interpretation, remote sensing and the use of GIS technology in geoscientific projects. This time was very satisfying to impart knowledge as a practising geologist to HKU students to develop the next generation of geologists in a different environment.
A testimonial by Dr Susan Donohue head of department of HKU in 2003 stated “…students appreciated Len’s efforts to develop this material for them and are cognisant of the importance and relevance of this work to their future careers in the earth science. Len received a higher SET (Student Evaluation of teaching) scores above the Departmental average and he is to be commended for this. I hope we will have the opportunity to work with Len in the near future“.
The principal as Project Leader, major mineral and energy projects led management of assessment of the progress of major Queensland mineral and energy projects and exploration tenure for DNRM and reported issues directly to the DNRM minister.
1990-2002 – Southeast Queensland and Southern Region Geoscience manager
In the early 1990s work involved processing airborne geophysics and training by CSIRO in the use of satellite imagery remote sensing for geological application carried out for geological province mapping of the eastern coastal and near coastal areas. This increased knowledge of airborne geophysics and the integration with satellite imagery, maps and databases. A restructure of GSQ and a downturn in the mining industry in the mid-late 1990s provided the impetus for a new approach to creating state-wide seamless maps and reports.
At that time, the principal was appointed Geoscience Manager Southeast Queensland Project and, with GSQ and industry geologists on contract, information from old note books and mineral occurrences was entered into new databases and linked to existing geology. From these, data interactive validation of maps was implemented to improve existing geology and create a new seamless digital geoscience GIS product – the Southeast Queensland GIS that instigated a change from a focus on standard map sheet areas to province geological mapping projects in Queensland and creating maps faster, better and more efficiently. A restructure of the GSQ saw a change in title of the role to Geoscience Manager Southern Region Queensland. Following work on the Yarraman project that occurred in the late 1990s to 2000 creating new geological maps and reports were included in an extended update of the southeast Queensland GIS. The role of Geoscience Manager Southern region in DNRM had different and fundamental links to land use management through linking geological landscapes, vegetation communities and protection of vegetation biodiversity.
1980-1990 Digital Databases and Digital imagery in Geological mapping and Basin analysis
This era commenced with digital image processing technology that processed both remotely sensed and geophysical imagery to assist geological mapping. Through early databases by the Canadian Geological Survey who created digital site information in databases the principal’s interest in this technology and with other geologist digital databases based on point data for observations were generated inhouse. These databases (Surface geology and Mineral occurrences) were leaders in government geoscience in Australia with Geoscience Australia taking up the ideas soon afterwards and creating their own system. This period involved stratigraphic drilling programs for basin areas in southern Queensland and basin analyses from the results of these studies
Following implementation of image processing and creation of databases it became obvious that mapping projects still had join issues at map sheet boundaries and a new approach was necessary to both resolve and fix map boundary joins and differences in interpretation.From this the concept of digital seamless geological GIS projects evolved.
1970-1980 Post-graduation studies and project management and execution
In 1970 I undertook study to complete a MSc qualifying at University of Queensland. From 1973 to 1977 I studied all geography subjects available at the University of Queensland. The idea behind this was to understand both the physical geography of natural land forms and the human interaction and demographics. In late 1970 I moved into regional geological mapping after working in coal esource drilling and mapping in the Ipswich area. The initial mapping project was the Ipswich and Brisbane 1:250 000 sheet areas. This style of mapping was very different from the detailed mapping undertaken at university and for coal resources of the Ipswich region and required a different approach. This was the beginning of the identification of mega features in the landscape and the understanding and acceptance of plate tectonics and earth processes twas required to developing a new paradigm for the geological evolution of a region. Due to its geographic location many student and published maps and reports that were assessed. This assessment and later work showed a couple of fundamental issues about all mapping. These are that map boundaries from the same adjacent map areas didn’t generally join at the boundaries as different geologists didn’t recognise the same units and a resolution of these difference were necessary to create a continuous seamless map coverage.During the 1970s and early 1980s work at GSQ involved local field mapping at both 1:250 000 at 1:100 000 scales, extensive stratigraphic drilling and basin analyses of southeast Queensland basins and being economic and industrial minerals in southeast Queensland. At this time digital processing technology was just beginning to be used and I was trained in the first image processing technology used by the Queensland government.
1969-1970 Coal Resource Drilling – Redbank
The principal’s first employment involved coal resource drilling and logging coal and strata around Swanbank, Ipswich city and Redbank Plains, Ipswich with geological mapping training in the area. Part of my work included underground logging of the Bluff seam at Box Flat Extended Mine area where tragically there was an explosion with several deaths in 1973.
For any additional information and details of experience contact RING ME ON – +61498259376.