Cranfield Geological Services

Geological Mapping Projects

NEWS FLASH- book and course Custodians and Earth Custodians (Vision For Caring For Our Earth’s Ecosystem) are available . SEE- Main Menu: Custodians 

Data sets used for  mapping projects

Cranfield Geoservices (CGSI) uses all available data and knowledge to create or update geological maps. The goal is to integrate an updated understanding of the regional structure and geological evolution into local prospects.  A comprehensive understanding of how airborne geophysical and remotely sensed imagery enhance interpretation of the local geology is vital in designing your exploration program.

Regional Airborne geophysical surveys

Airborne Geophysical Surveys for geological mapping use both radiometric and magnetic imagery. Radiometric surveys measure gamma rays which are continuously being emitted from the Earth by natural decomposition of some common radiogenic minerals. The use of radiometric imagery to distinguish differences in rock chemistry between and within geological units has been applied most extensively for granitic rocks, but it is gaining in acceptance to use to distinguish chemical differences in sedimentary sequences related to provenance and elements of a mineralised system including:

  • Exploration for a range of uranium deposits.
  • Special applications such as exploration for diamonds by assisting in location of kimberlite.
  • Porphyry copper  deposits particularly in zones of potassic alteration
  • Exploration for gold using the Au-U association in specific localities.
  • Exploration for radioactive halos over hydrocarbon deposits.

Geophysical surveys for subsurface interpretation

Subsurface geophysical techniques for creating a solid geology map and underlying resources  (ie on of an interpreted geology below the surface also include:-

Magnetic Surveys

  • Magnetic surveys – which measure variations in the Earth’s magnetic field due to the presence of magnetic minerals. Subtle changes to these minerals are used to interpret rock types and assist in identifying resources. These surveys can be aerial, on the surface or in down-hole logging tools. Magnetic surveys are commonly used in  mineral exploration.

Gravity geophysical surveys

  •  Gravity surveys – include both ground and airborne surveys.  The instrumentation identifies variations in rock density in the Earth’s crust. These surveys are commonly used in conjunction with magnetic surveys to locate regions of higher density that may correlated with economic mineralization.

Induced Polarisation geophysical surveys

  •  Induced Polarisation (IP)  surveys  induce an electric field in the ground and measure the chargeability and resistivity of the subsurface to locate changes in the electric currents due to variations caused by rocks and minerals.

Electromagnetic geophysical surveys

  • Electromagnetic (EM) surveys create an induced electromagnetic field and measure the three dimensional variations in conductivity (capacity to conduct electricity) within the near-surface soil and rock. Uses include  the location metallic minerals,and to understand groundwater and salinity. In the case  of groundwater salinity there is a capacity to model the salinity at different depths.


For any additional information on your projects and details of experience contact me.

Battery Minerals And Energy Storage In The 21st Century

NEWS FLASH- book and course Custodians and Earth Custodians (Vision For Caring For Our Earth’s Ecosystem) are available . SEE- Main Menu: Custodians 

Energy linked to human knowledge

The history of energy creation, generation and use is the history of human evolution, travel, trade and knowledge dissemination. The increase in human knowledge over the past 250 years coupled with the advent of ways to store and use energy locally has led to virtually exponential knowledge growth in the 21st Century.

From the change from charcoal to coal, whale oil to crude oil, the adaption of alternating rather than direct current to power our cities to the current change in energy generation from multiple sources the human race has sought to improve its standard of living and on hand knowledge to advance civilizations and to explore distant lands and planets.

EVs are a growing phenomena

Tesla Model 3 

2019 Tesla Model 3 Performance AWD Front.jpg

The growth in popularity of EVs is under pinned by Li – ion Battery Technology and early adaptors are succeeding in the market place

Climate Change and the Energy mix

Currently the proposed energy mix using the Australian Government’s concept of energy security addresses a mix  of ‘non renewable’ (coal, conventional and non-conventional gas, oil, oil shale, nuclear, and  ‘renewable’ energy (wind, hydro, solar, bio fuels, geothermal).  To achieve this mix necessitates adoption of new technologies and ongoing research in methods of energy generation and storage. The touted renewable energy market mix such still  requires the discovery, mining and processing of minerals to create the raw materials for battery manufacture and storage of electricity.  The goal is to create consistent energy to power critical infrastructure and if this is not forthcoming  creates a situation of urban chaos and loss of revenue and in the short term and possible revolution if the situation is not remedied. Currently there is a necessity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to stabilise climate variations globally.  This goal has spawned ‘green’ or ‘renewable’ energy to be added to the energy production mix. This trend to renewable energy  has been championed globally by governments through subsidies to creating an ongoing more liveable urban environments in our growing mega-cities.

The change from total dependence on non-renewable energy sources such as coal and nuclear power has been driven by global debate on climate change and greenhouse gases and the growing pollution and issue of global climate change. There has been a significant cost to the community with rapidly escalating energy prices particularly in areas where there is an almost total reliance on renewable energy such as South Australia.  The important considerations of any major new energy source are:

  1. whether replacement of non-renewable by renewable energy sources creates a net improvement in the current situation.
  2. are the energy inputs to create renewable energy sources more or less than the energy outputs and over what time frame?
  3. what are the ongoing pollution issues caused by the creation of the energy source?
  4. How long does the energy source continue to operate?
  5. As renewable energy sources such as wind and solar do not produce power when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind is ineffective a battery storage system is essential to deliver 24/7/365 energy availability

This rapid change in person use of energy in the past 20 years has been due to the development of personal electronic devices that have the capacity to locally use energy at a remote point source using a battery (mobile phones, computers, GPS systems etc) rather than the need to be connected to a distributing grid to supply the energy.

Energy Storage and use through Lithium and other minerals

The site on types of minerals processed for use in modern battery technology  is instructive in this space.  Rechargeable batteries having a high energy density with multiple recharging for long-term storage is the key.  Lithium-ion batteries are currently the main technology utilised in batteries used for most hand-held devices such as mobile phones and personal computers due to the high levels of energy stored.  Variants of Lithium-ion batteries are used currently in the rapidly expanding electric vehicle (EV) industry.

The site which outlines the properties of lithium-ion batteries  related to their safety of use and issues of long term storage, discharge and charging identifies combinations of chemistry that are relevant to different industrial applications.

Types of Lithium Ion batteries and their use

Battery Uses
Lithium Cobalt Oxide has the highest energy density of current in lithium batteries. Cobalt has a high energy density, but is an expensive metal that displays thermal instability (unsafe) and fast capacity fade (short life) as a cathode material. Portable electronic devices such as mobile phones. The battery characteristics, combined with a low power density, rank other lithium-ion batteries for EV and stationary storage applications
Lithium Manganese Oxide : in this battery, the use of manganese in place of cobalt allows for higher power density and greater thermal stability when compared to Lithium Cobalt Oxide. This battery was once the choice for EV manufacturers However, with a shorter  lifetime, and lower  energy density they are considered less suitable for EVs than Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide batteries
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide: Nickel, manganese and cobalt oxide improves cathode lifespan. Combining all three results in good performance across all metrics  (energy density, power density, lifespan, and thermal stability Nickel Manganese Cobalt batteries are applicable across many applications, particularly EV’s
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide : These batteries have high power and energy densities, and long shelf life, but degrade more quickly with use than Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide cells. The increased cobalt content improves energy and power density, but also makes cells more expensive and less thermally stable. Competes with Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide for market share in EV power trains.
Lithium Iron Phosphate: Have high thermal stability, long lifespan,  cheap cathode materials and are  obvious choice for use as stationary storage. Due to their  low energy density they are unsuited to EV’s, and manufacturing volumes have not yet reached the point where system costs reflect the low materials costs.
Lithium Titanate nanocrystals here form the anode, and these batteries display unparalleled thermal stability / lifespan. They are expensive when assessed on the basis of energy storage capacity ($/kWh). Their capacity to deliver energy over an extremely short period makes them competitive in high power applications. Low energy density makes them unsuited to EV’s, Project applications include grid frequency regulation and Photovoltaic cells associated with wind farm smoothing

For stationary storage on-grid and off-grid solar storage, Lithium Iron Phosphate and Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide batteries are market leaders. The majority of rest remain with incumbent sealed lead-acid batteries however, and the following parameters should be considered when comparing the two technologies.

Non-rechargeable) lithium batteries possess toxic metallic lithium, however the components of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are much more stable, but require recycling when recharging is not effective. Unfortunately recycling of lithium ion batteries is mostly non-existent and these are commonly disposed in waste dumps and this is an issue to be solved when these batteries reach the end of their life cycle. The creation of large-format lithium-ion batteries in an expanding Electric Vehicles (EV) market and for stationary point storage (eg Tesla Powerwall) will require expansion of recycling options possibly at the origin location of the mega factories that originally produced the batteries.  As a contrast disposal and recycling of lead-acid batteries are much more advanced due to their long residence in the marketplace.

Lithium ion batteries generate considerable heat when being recharged. Thermal runaway is a term that refers to a positive feedback loop that can cause battery swelling, fire and explosion. This occurs due to the catalytic effect of heat released during battery malfunction accelerates the irregular reactions causing the release of excessive heat.

Lithium-ion cells have a high density of energy and this combined with he reactivity of lithium,  the flammability of the organic solvent electrolyte, thermal runaway can be more dangerous than in lead-acid battery cells. Without protection systems in place, the likelihood also tends to be greater and this has occurred in some personal mobile phones.  An exception to this is the thermally-stable LTO batteries.

Practically, manufacture of lithium-ion batteries include systems and safety measures that isolate battery packs when there are conditions of over/under-voltage or over/under-temperature, Cell balancing systems that equalise the standard operating current  of battery cells connected in series, to avoid over/under-voltage conditions such as:

  • Battery fusing to arrest short-circuit currents
  • Thermal management systems to carry heat away from cells via air or liquid cooling

The widespread use of lithium-ion batteries in EV’s is indicative of the effectiveness of these protection systems. In stationary applications, where temperatures are lower and more stable, the likelihood of thermal runaway is reduced even further.  There has been little or no consideration of how to effectively recycle waster products from Li-ion batteries when these reach the end of their effective life cycle.

Countries supplying minerals for batteries

The supply of material for Lithium -ion batteries comes from the sources of the major components of the batteries – lithium, cobalt, nickel, and graphite and these are distributed unevenly in different jurisdictions.


Lithium sources include hard rock mines in particular lithium pegmatites containing spodumene and lithium-rich brines.  The largest global producer of lithium is the Greenbushes Mine in Western Australia that produces lithium from hard rock pegmatite deposits containing spodumene.  The rest of the production is sources from  Li-rich brines in  South America mainly from salt lakes in Argentina and Chile.

Continuing exploration has identified additional lithium resources in 2021 that have increased to total about 86 million tons. United States resources from continental brines, geothermal brines, hectorite, oilfield brines, and pegmatites comprise  7.9 million tons.  Lithium resources by country are Bolivia, 21 million tons; Argentina, 19.3 million tons; Chile, 9.6 million tons; Australia, 6.4 million tons; China, 5.1 million tons; Congo (Kinshasa), 3 million tons; Canada, 2.9 million tons; Germany, 2.7 million tons; Mexico, 1.7 million tons; Czechia, 1.3 million tons; Serbia, 1.2 million tons; Peru, 880,000 tons; Mali, 700,000 tons; Zimbabwe, 500,000 tons; Brazil, 470,000 tons; Spain, 300,000 tons; Portugal,
270,000 tons; Ghana, 90,000 tons; and Austria, Finland, Kazakhstan, and Namibia, 50,000 tons each.
Substitution for lithium compounds is possible in batteries ceramics, greases, and manufactured glass. Examples are calcium, magnesium, mercury, and zinc as anode material in primary batteries; calcium and aluminum soaps as substitutes for stearates in greases; and sodic and potassic fluxes in ceramics and in glass manufacture (USGS).


Most cobalt is sourced as a by-product of Nickel mining, with the largest producer of cobalt  is the Democratic republic of Congo which is a politically unstable region that uses child labour.

The Democratic republic of Congo has the greatest product of cobalt at 95000 tonnes in 2020 and with reserves of 3/6 million tonnes has almost 50 percent of global resources


The Phillipines is the major producer of global nickel and there has recently been restricting access to these deposits. Australia is also a significant producer mainly at this stage from nickel sulphides. There is current development opportunities in Nickel laterites. that have higher grades than the nickel sulphides, sulphide deposits and form surficial deposits with low or zero strip ratios.

Ni-Co Laterites

Increasingly the Extraction of Nickel and Cobalt  is linked to technology studies into extracting this material from Nickel-cobalt (+scandium)  contained in laterite deposits overlying basic igneous intrusions that occur mainly within the tropics.  The technology to extract Nickel and Cobalt in the higher grade Nickel-Cobalt laterite deposits in undergoing a transition to attempt to achive higher recoveries form existing deposits.

The Philippines is the major producer of global nickel and there has recently been restricting access to these deposits. Australia is also a significant producer mainly at this stage from nickel sulphides, but there is current development opportunities in Nickel laterites.

The United States geological Survey (USGS) has created a  Global Resource Model of Lateritic Ni-Co deposits.  Analyses of how these laterites respond to heap leach has been studied. The cobalt grade in ores was related to the abundance of Mn-oxide phases, but the percentage of Co extracted during leaching did not correlate strongly with the abundance of any particular mineral phases.  Ores with high Ni grades (1.4–2.1 wt%) contained mainly smectite or chlorite, with low abundances of goethite and a variety of poorly crystalline phases.

Three Ni-Co laterite deposit subtypes are recognized within a classical deposit

  • as (I) clay silicate, (II) Mg hydrous silicate, and (III) Fe oxide.
  • Clay Silicate median grade – 1.27 %Ni, 0.06% Co
  • Mg Hydrous Silicate – 1.44%Ni, 0.06% Co
  • Fe Oxide – 1.14%Ni, 0,04%Co

Styles of Nickel Laterite deposits


Type A: – Ni-silicate deposits

Type A Ni-Co laterites

Type B:  Ni-Co laterites (Lateritic Silica Deposits)

itiType B Ni-Co Laterites

Type C : Ni-Co laterites

TYpe C: Ni-Co laterites


Based on the USGS modelling there appears to be a close association of clay and oxide mineral species with grades of Ni and Co in laterite deposits .  Use of this knowledge may suggest an exploration and processing method which may use some of the ideas below.

1.From the drilling of Ni-Co laterite and the zoning and update the model for your deposit as required

2.Undertake testing  of clay and oxide species using the SWIR and Thermal IR using the  hylogger available at government geological surveys in Australia and compare these species  against existing analyses of Ni and Co grades.  From the examples of the different Ni-Co laterite ores it appears that specific mixes of clays, oxides and carbonates give consistent grades.  Hylogger with the SWIR and longer thermal TIR bands will give good correlation of mixes of these minerals that can be compared against the analysed grades of the deposit.

3.Look at other data sets if available such as regional airborne and ground geophysics (particularly radiometrics to determine spatial variations in the surface of the orebody .  Radiometric ratio image  (K, K/Th. K/U) may show surficial variations within a zone of the deposit


Sources of graphite are mainly hard rock derived from metamorphic rocks, with the main source regions are China and eastern Africa (Mozambiue and Madagasga). Australia has significant sources of graphite in South Australia and in North Queensland, but  these have not been developed

Companies that deliver innovative solutions to generation of electricity in the Australian market include combinations of technologies that link solar and pump storage and photovoltaic cells and those that are linked to providing materials for lithium battery technology

With the growth of the electric vehicle industry and creation of Elon Musk’s Gigafactory concept for manufacture of large quantities of these batteries significant growth of extraction of minerals for these batteries is required.  Currently these is no issue with supply of Lithium, graphite and nickel, but with the cobalt supply from the DRC requires a greater source of cobalt and an evolution in  recycling of toxic materials in these batteries.

For any additional information on your projects and details of experience contact me.

My career as a Geologist

NEWS FLASH- book and course Custodians and Earth Custodians (Vision For Caring For Our Earth’s Ecosystem) are available . SEE- Main Menu: Custodians 

My career and capabilities are well explained in about us

End of School and Advice to Pursue a Career in Geology

My first knowledge that geology existed as a career was following the completion of high school when I had just completed all the required exams to gain access to university but had no idea what studies to pursue.   I went to see my mother’s cousin who headed up a coaching college in Brisbane.  He had a BSc in science from the University of Queensland, so I considered him a good mentor.  At the time I was very enthusiastic to find out my direction in studying something in the science field, but had no specific idea what that would be.   He suggested studying geology and outlined a 50/50 split between office work and work in the fresh air.  I was gobsmacked – I was unaware that a choice like that existed in science so I enrolled with the purpose of seeing parts of the world that few people ever see and looking forward to the adventure.

Starting out in the Geological Survey of Queensland

My first employment in 1969 was in the coal section at the Geological Survey of Queensland  (GSQ), Redbank and encompassed coal resources projects in the Ipswich Coalfield.  The Ipswich coalfield was beginning to wind down as exploration and pressures of urban expansion had already affected development of deeper resources in this field as development of the Bowen Basin coals began to ramp up.  I was appreciative of  the well researched standards that established by the GSQ and the mentoring and advice given to new staff at GSQ.  This was a feature of all my career in GSQ.  Initial work included drilling and logging coal and strata near Swanbank Power Station, within Ipswich city and in Redbank Plains with geological mapping  in the area.  Part of my work included underground logging of the Bluff seam at Box Flat Extended Mine area where there was an explosion with several deaths a couple of years later.  I became aware that although I enjoyed core logging I was mainly confined to an office at Redbank with local work in the Ipswich region.

Change to Geological Mapping and finding a niche

Work in the coal section lasted until late 1970 when, based on my enjoyment of  geological mapping from work at Redbank, I applied to join the Regional Mapping Branch in the city so that I could spend significant amounts of time away from the office enjoying the experience of creating new geological maps.   The initial mapping project was the Ipswich and Brisbane 1:250 000 sheet areas.  This style of mapping was very different from the detailed mapping undertaken at university and required a different approach.  This was the time of generation of new knowledge including the understanding and acceptance of plate tectonics and earth processes.  Due to its geographic location close to the capital city many student and published maps and reports needed to be assessed in context with the new paradigm.  This assessment and later work showed a major fundamental flaw in the existing mapping in that map boundaries from adjacent  areas didn’t generally join at the boundaries, because different geologists didn’t classify  geological units in the same way. Consequently there were ‘splitters’ (geologists who recognised different units and sub units) and ‘lumpers’ (who made broader subdivisions where there may be several units) in the game of geological mapping

The process of regional geological mapping commenced in the early 1950s through the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) now Geoscience Australia (GA).  Much of the land area of Australia was mapped prior to the early satellite imagery however, the access to this imagery assisted the first mapping project and later projects in identifying major regional scale geological linear features.  The quality of the early images was poor and was only available as black and white photographs

Further Studies in Geology and Geography

In 1970 I undertook study to complete a MSc qualifying at University of Queensland while working full time at GSQ.  My intention at that time was to complete a MSc and continue on to a PhD.  However my plans were modified by family commitments and from 1973 to 1977 I studied  geography subjects available at the University of Queensland and french and German Language.  Knowledge is never wasted and study of physical geography and geography of natural land forms and human interaction and demographics formed  part of my work in my chosen career.

During the 1970s and early 1980s work at GSQ involved local field mapping at both 1:250 000 at 1:100 000 scales, extensive stratigraphic drilling and analysis of basins of southeast Queensland and field trips and discussions about economic and industrial minerals in southeast Queensland.  At this time digital processing technology was evolving and I was  trained in the first image processing technology used by the Queensland government.

Digital Image processing and creation of digital maps

As   digital image processing technology evolved to assist geological mapping the link between digital site information  from the work of the Canadian Geological Survey led to creating GSQ databases, to my interest in this technology and with other GSQ geologists databases based on point data – Surface geology and Mineral occurrence databses were formed at GSQ.  These databases were leaders in government geoscience in Australia with GA following up with their own system.  During this time the digital topographic information and imagery was under the control of AUSLIG based in Canberra. At this time there were a range of restrictions and huge expense of acquiring and using this imagery.  Frustrations  with the cost and access to this data resulted in a proposal to Geoscience Australia about the restrictions, use and cost of this data.  Other states also had the same concerns and put in similar submissions.  This led to GA’s incorporation of AUSLIG and the ongoing cost-effective and efficient use of digital data in geological maps and GIS products.

I  became absolutely convinced that GSQ need image processing technology and implementation coincided with digital image processing of geophysical data so that this technology was implemented in GSQ. Linking databases to imagery in geographic information systems (GIS) technology allowed GSQ to create geology maps and update them from that time and integrate geological map data, imagery and resources to model the spatial location and geological processes that control mineral and energy resources.  The interest in GIS, databases and processing airborne geophysics led me to complete a MSc in remote sensing, geology and mineral occurrence to understand spatial relationships of gold mineralisation in the Charters Towers which incidentally published when I work at the University of Hong Kong.

The use of image processing and creation of databases it still became more obvious that mapping edge joins were an issue and a new approach was necessary to both resolve map boundary joins and the differences in interpretation .  From this I evolved the idea of digital seamless geological GIS projects.

In the early 1990s I worked in processing airborne geophysics and satellite imagery for the province mapping carried out along the eastern coastal and near coastal areas.  This increased my knowledge of airborne geophysics and the integration with satellite imagery, maps and databases.

Restructuring, Geoscience GIS  and GSQ management roles

A restructure of GSQ and a downturn in the mining industry in the mid-late 1990s provided the impetus for a new approach to creating seamless maps and reports of large areas.  At that time, as geoscience manager Southeast Queensland Project and with GSQ and unemployed industry geologists on contract I evolved a methodology to enter information from old note books and mineral occurrences into databases, linked these to existing geology and discovered ways to interactively validate and improve and link the existing geology.  This resulted in  GSQ’s first geoscience GIS product – the Southeast Queensland GIS and the change by GSQ to province mapping projects in Queensland and creating maps from the project – Faster, better and more efficiently.  Following work on the Yarraman project that occurred in the late 1990s to 2000 new geological maps and a more efficient reporting style was implemented and improvements in the mapping were included in an extended update of the southeast Queensland GIS.  The role of Geoscience Manager Southern region in DNRM had different and unexpected links to land use management

Tenement Management management in Government

In 2002 I had a change of roles to be the project leader leading management of assessment of exploration tenure for the department and reporting directly to the minister that arose on major projected mining projects.  The This experience assisted me in may later role in Mineral Resources Authority Papua New Guinea.

Experiences in China and Hong Kong

The 2000s were a really interesting time in my career and life. I went to Hangzhou China and  voluntarily taught English conversation for two months and in 2003 I took long service leave and went to the University of Hong Kong where I created a course in field techniques, report writing methods, air photo interpretation, remote sensing and the use of GIS technology in geoscientific projects.  This time was very satisfying as I could impart my knowledge of being a practicing geologist and see the development of the next generation of geologists in a different environment where the only local employment available was in government geotechnical work. This was an interesting time as it coincided with the SARS outbreak in southern China and for a time the university was closed and I lectured to a room of students who were all wearing surgical masks.

I returned to Brisbane in late 2003.  While  absent in Hong Kong, another restructure of GSQ recreated functional groups to put the best staff in their preferred roles.  Upon returning to GSQ from Hong Kong I was appointed Geoscience Manager, Mineral Resource Studies.  This role provided another and different challenge for me as I needed to upgrade my skills to managing a different group of geologists who had been carrying out this role since 1987.

MINOCC, The Pmd*CRC and  National Geochemistry Survey

The period from 2003 to 2009 was very satisfying as the Mineral Resource Studies group which completed the first pass of the mineral resources of the state.  The method included  locating as many as possible of historical working and current operations as possible from the remaining areas not already covered in previous field campaigns.  This this was done on a Province basis similar to that for geological mapping.  In this process some areas were updated with better located GPS technology and all areas were updated from annual reporting over mining areas.  In this period, GSQ became a partner in the predictive mineral discoveries cooperative research (Pmd*CRC).  This project looked at mineral deposits somewhat analogously to energy resources using the creation of mineralising fluids, identifying and predicting fluid flows to the site of deposition and the identification of mineralised regions that that were much larger than the know mineral deposits.  A better understanding of the age and chemistry of potential fluids, direction of fluid flows, dilatant zones and host rock chemistry and the timing of mineralisation was required to better understand mineralised systems.  To this end a geochemist role was created in the group, a project to acquire age dating of source rocks from university theses was required and funded by GSQ.  An interesting project completed by Mineral Resource Studies at that time was the Queensland contribution to the National Geochemical Survey of Australia. This study  incorporated a regional geochemical study of drainage basins of Australia for basins.  Information gained from this study identified significant areas in Cape York that have been followed up in later surveys. Due to staff numbers I undertook fieldwork in Cape York in 2008, collected samples and went to the most northerly point of the Australian mainland north of Bamaga  Here I looked out towards Papua New Guinea and  wondered what it would be like to visit there.  Much to my surprise it was sooner than I thought.

Papua New Guinea (PNG) A New Adventure 2009-2012

In early 2009 when acting as Director, GSQ due to an overseas trip by the Director I was contacted by the current Executive Manager, Geological Survey Division, Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea who made a request for GSQ to review mapping by an European Union (EU) funded GEOMAP project in the western highlands of PNG.  He told me that he was leaving MRA to return to the university.  The next week there was an advertisement for Executive Manager, Geological Survey Division   in Port Moresby and, with Mineral Resources Studies  having completed the first pass mineral resources of Queensland, I thought it was time for a new challenge.  From 2009-2012 the role of  Executive manager  was very satisfying  as due to the state of the industry and funding there were opportunities to upgrade staff skills through their completion of Masters degrees at Australian and European Universities.  This period also was characterised by the creation of a geothermal energy group in conjunction with Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) in New Zealand and MOUs with the GNS to carry out collaborative geothermal chemical studies and China Geological Survey to train staff to collect samples for a national geochemical survey.  In addition, the geological mapping from the  funded  GEOMAP was reviewed and joined to mapping by GA over PNG.  As a member of the Mining Advisory council in PNG I reviewed the program for all applications for granting and renewal of tenure in PNG from 2009-2012.

Family issues caused my return to Western Australia in late 2012, however before departing PNG I realised that there was a need to train staff in another area of MRA to better assess company reporting.  Consequently, I wrote a proposal for contract work before departing PNG.

In 2013, I spent several periods in PNG training staff in identifying issues with company reporting and developed a guide for this process.  Other work carried out was developing a methodology to assess the validity of statistical information from the mining industry for the Sovereign Wealth Fund, assessed several applications for new mining leases and updates of existing mining lease and recommended a new tenure management system from Spatial Dimensions (now Trimble) from South Africa.

Major Bust In The Mining Industry -2013-2014

The collapse of the mining industry in 2014 was an issue for geologists globally and I thought at the time I was going to retire, however due to family issues again I returned to Queensland and was relaxing on the Sunshine Coast not thinking about working when I received two offers in successive days.

Surat Basin and Mongolia consultancies 2015-2017

Consultancies include Surat Basin mapping of the outcrop and subcrop of the coal seam gas units in the Surat basin and  as a international expert in Mongolia to recreate a national geological survey (NGS).  I undertook the Surat Basin Project and work on this project from September 2015, and it was published in July 2017.  This project showed the values of airborne geophysics for upgrading surface and subsurface mapping and the linking of databases of borehole intersections and magnetics to subsurface mapping.  Two months in Mongolia and completed recommendations for the role of a National Geological Survey.

Current interests and direction 2018-2019

My goals are to continue to work at tourism and geology applications and at further developing GIS and imagery with databases and with industry partners to link artificial intelligence to data to allow the capacity to identify and solve impediments to development of a resource and to best inform investors in the mining industry of the real risks of mining projects to give them greater confidence in projects. Geological undertaken in this period include the updating of clay resources for brick manufacture, water resources in intake areas of local basins.

In 2018 and 2019 I completed a course to qualify as a webmaster and digital marketer to develop and update websites  for local business and aspects of the mining industry and to create a site to deliver geohistory tourism to a global community.  To date I continue to develop several  websites based on geology, geohistory tourism for communities and education and shopping sites based on exercise, diet, wealth for the pursuit of happiness and all aspects a healthy lifestyle.



Publications by the principal and managed outputs  from Geoscience products


BULTITUDE, R.J., CRANFIELD, L.C., HEGARTY, R.A., HALFPENNY, R.W., 1985: season. RGMP progress report. Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1985/31.

BULTITUDE, R.J., CRANFIELD, L.C., HUTTON, L.J., DONCHAK, P.J.T., SHAW, R.D., & SCHNEIDER, S.E., 1985: Bullock Creek, Lyndbrook, and Mungana 1:100 000 Sheet areas. Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1985/11.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1973: Ipswich Basin excursion notes. Third International Gondwana Symposium field trip. Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1973/30.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1975: Clarence-Moreton Basin, NSW and Queensland In Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea, 2, Coal, (editors, Traves, D.N., and King, D., AUSIMM Monograph series, 6, 328-333.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1977: Heavy mineral sand deposits of southeast Queensland. In Day, R.W., (editor) 1977 Field Conference Lady Elliott Island, Fraser Island, Gayndah, Biggenden, 31-33. Geological Society of Australia (Queensland Division).

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1979: Stratigraphic drilling report – GSQ Maryborough 1.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 80, 118-123.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1980a: Stratigraphic drilling report – GSQ Ipswich 23. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 81, 366-372.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1980b: Stratigraphic drilling report – GSQ Maryborough 2.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 81, 594-598.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1981a: Stratigraphic drilling report – GSQ Ipswich 24 and 25. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 82, 468-477.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1981b: The Ipswich Coalfield. In Hofmann, G.W., (editor) 1981 Field Conference, Brisbane-Ipswich area, 24-28. Geological Society of Australia (Queensland Division).

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1982: Stratigraphic drilling in the Southern Maryborough Basin 1978-1980.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 83, 15-29.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1983: Shallow stratigraphic drilling in the Brisbane 1:100 000 Sheet area.  Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1983/40.CRANFIELD, L.C., 1984a: Stratigraphic drilling data -Ipswich, Brisbane and Gympie 1:250 000 Sheet areas 1972 to 1976. Queensland Department of Mines Record, 1984/3

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1984b: Revision of 1:250 000 geological mapping in Queensland – basis, rationale, methods and techniques. Queensland Department of Mines Record, 1984/7

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1984c: A catalogue of Compilation Sheets of the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area at a scale of 1:85 000.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1986a: A field guide to sediments and fossils of the Ipswich Basin.  Geological Society of Australia (Queensland Division).

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1986b: The geology of the South Burnett District; in Willmott, W.F., (editor), 1986 Field Conference South Burnett District.  Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, 1‑12.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1989a: New Palaeozoic stratigraphic units in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area, southeast Queensland Queensland Government Mining Journal, 90, 115-120.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1989b: New and revised Mesozoic stratigraphic units in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area southeast Queensland.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 90, 163-174.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1990a: The Gympie Group, and other Permian strata of the Gympie composite terrane. Pacific Rim Congress 90 proceedings, III, pp 99-108. Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 3052.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1990b: GSQ Mossman 1 – Preliminary and detailed logs. Department of Resource Industries Record 1990/11.

CRANFIELD, L.C. 1992: Geology of the Lyndbrook 1;100 000 Sheet area. Department of Resource Industries Record 1992/19.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1993: Stratigraphic units of the Maryborough Basin.  Queensland Geology, 5, 18-43.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1994: Maryborough, Queensland. Sheet SG56-6.  1:250 000 Geological Series – Explanatory Notes, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Minerals and Energy

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1996: Geology and Mineralisation of the Gympie Province.  In Mesozoic Geology of the eastern Australian Plate.  Geological Society of Australia Inc. Abstracts, 43, 156.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1997: Mining Project Help Wanted.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 98, 1142, 42-43.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 2017: Mapping of Surat Basin coal seam reservoir units.  Queensland Minerals and Energy Review.  Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1999:  Gympie Special Sheet 9445, Part 9545, Queensland 1:100 000 Geological Map Commentary.  Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & CROUCH, S.B.S., 1990: Remote sensing as an aid to geological mapping in the Charters Towers area. 5th Australasian Remote Sensing Conference, Perth, Western Australia 8-12th October, 1990.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & DIPROSE, G., 2008: Diamonds, diamond indicator minerals and a review of exploration for diamonds in Queensland. Queensland Geological Record, 2008/4.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & DIPROSE, G., 2008: Macro and microdiamonds Diamond Indicator Minerals and Indicators for Diamond Exploration in Queensland PACRIM Congress 2008.  pp 147-152.  Australian Institute of Mining and metallurgy

CRANFIELD, L.C., & GARRAD, P.D., 1991: Mines and prospects in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area. Department of Resource Industries Record 1991/3.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & GREEN, P.M., 1983: Compilation of formation intersections in departmental coal exploration bores (NS series) in the Ipswich Coalfield.  Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1983/12.

CRANFIELD, L.C. & GREEN, P.M., 1983b: Annotated references on the geology of the Ipswich 1:100 000 Sheet area.  Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1983/65.

CRANFIELD, L.C. & HEGARTY, R.A., 1989: Geology of the Rumula 1:100 000 Sheet area. (7964) northeast Queensland. Queensland Department of Mines Record, 1989/20.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & MURPHY, P.R., 1983: type sections of the Bryden formation and Neara Volcanics, Esk Trough, southeast Queensland. Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1983/68.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & MURRAY, C.G., 1989a: New and revised intrusive units in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area, Southeast Queensland.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 90, 369-378.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & MURRAY, C.G., 1989b: Geochemistry and tectonic setting of granitic rocks in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 90, 408-415.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & MURRAY, C.G., 1989c: Geochemistry of basaltic rocks from the Gayndah region in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet area.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 90, 469-480.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & MURRAY, C.G., 1992: Maryborough 1:250 000. SHEET SG 56-6, FIRST EDITION 1992. Department of Resource Industries, Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & PASCOE, G., 1996:  A seamless digital geological GIS for the Moreton region.  Program and abstracts of Moreton Bay and Catchment Conference, 43, 156.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & PASCOE, G., 1998: Development of a digital geological GIS for the Moreton region.  In: Tibbets, I.R., Hall, N.J., & Denison, W.C., editors, Moreton Bay and Catchment.  School of Marine Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane.pp. 107-110.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SANDERCOE, C.S., 1988: Geological and botanical features of the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. 7th International Palynological Congress Brisbane Excursion Guide SB1.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1972: Nomenclature of some Mesozoic rocks in the Brisbane and Ipswich areas, Queensland.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 74, 414-416.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1973: 1st edition Ipswich 1:250 000 geological series, Sheet SG 56-14. Geological Survey of Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1974a: 1st edition Brisbane 1:250 000 geological series, Sheet SG 56-15. Geological Survey of Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1974b: New and revised stratigraphic names in the Ipswich 1:250 000 Sheet area.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 75, 322-323.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1976a: The Esk Trough. In Leslie, R.B., and Evans, H.J., (editors) Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. AUSIMM Monograph 7, 420-423.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1976b: The Moreton Basin. In  Leslie, R.B., and Evans, H.J., (editors) Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. AUSIMM Monograph 7, 450-451.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1976c: The Nambour Basin In Leslie, R.B., and Evans, H.J., (editors) Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. AUSIMM Monograph 7, 451-452.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCOTT, M., 1993: Geology of the Gympie 1:100 000 Special area (9445, 9545) Queensland Geological Record, 1993/20.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & STEPHENS, C., 1986: Excursion guide to the Booubyjan-Ban Ban-Gayndah area. 1986 Field Conference Geological Society of Australia (Queensland Division), 39-41.

CRANFIELD, L.C., CARMICHAEL, D.C., & WELLS, A.T., 1990: Origin and significance for regional correlation of early Jurassic ironstone oolite in the Bundamba Group. Fossil Fuels – Clarence-Moreton basin workshop, June 1990.  Bureau of Mineral Resources Record, 1990/22.

CRANFIELD, L.C., CARMICHAEL, D.C., & WELLS, A.T., 1994: Ferruginous oolite and associated lithofacies from the Clarence-Moreton and related basins in southeast Queensland. In Wells, A.T., and O’Brien, P.E., (editors) Geology and petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, New South Wales and Queensland.  Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Bulletin 241, 144-163.

CRANFIELD, L.C., DENARO, T.J., BURROWS, P.E, BULTITUDE, R.J., PURDY, D.J., DONCHAK, P.J.T., HORTON, D.J., & TANG, E.H.J., in preparation:  Mines, mineral occurrences, exploration and geology of the Warwick and Tweed Heads 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C, DONCHAK, P.J.T., RANDALL, R.E., CROSBY, G.C., & OSBORNE, J., 1998: Geological investigations in the Yarraman Sub Province, Southeast Queensland – Preliminary results of 1997 field work in the Southeast Queensland Project.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 99, 1160, 11-22

CRANFIELD, L. C., DONCHAK, P.J.T., RANDALL, R.E., & CROSBY, G.C., 2001: Geology and Mineralisation of the Yarraman Subprovince, South-east Queensland. Queensland Geology 10, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

CRANFIELD, L.C., GREEN, P.M., HUTTON, L.J., & GRIMES, K.G.,1986:  Brisbane 1:100 000 Geological map – Sheet 9543, first Edition. Queensland Department of Mines.

CRANFIELD, L.C., HUTTON, L.J., & GREEN, P.M., 1981: Ipswich 1:100 000 Geological map – Sheet 9543, first Edition. Queensland Department of Mines.

CRANFIELD, L.C., HUTTON, L.J., & GREEN, P.M., 1989: Ipswich 1:100 000 Geological map commentary. Queensland Department of Resource Industries.

CRANFIELD L.C., McELROY, C.T., and SWARBRICK, C.F.J., 1975: The Clarence Moreton Basin.  In Traves, D.M. and King, D., (editor).  Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea.   Coal.   Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph, 6, 328 -333.

CRANFIELD, L.C., SCHWARZBOCK, H., & DAY, R.W., 1976: Geology of the Ipswich and Brisbane 1:250 000 Sheet areas. Geological Survey of Queensland Report, 95.

CRANFIELD, L.C., SCOTT, M., PASCOE, G.C., & LANE, R.P., 1999: Gympie 1:100 000 Special Geological map (Gympie & Laguna Bay).  Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Brisbane.

CRANFIELD, L.C., SHORTEN, G., SCOTT, M., & BARKER, R., 1997: Geology and mineralisation of the Gympie Province. In Ashley, P.M., and Flood, P.G., (editors) Tectonics and Metallogenesis of the New England Orogen: Geological Society of Australia Special publication 19, 128 –147.

CRANFIELD, L.C., STEPHENS, C. & BRUVEL, F., 1996:  Field Guide to Mesozoic Plate Metallogenesis and magmatism-in south east Queensland.  Mesozoic Geology of the eastern Australian Plate.  Mesozoic ‘96 Conference.  Geological Society of Australia, Qld Division.

CRANFIELD, L.C., TUTTLE, J.S., PASCOE, G., & GREIG, J., 1997: Paper one day, GIS the next.  Converting paper and digital records into the South –east Queensland Geological GIS.  In Beeston, J., (compiler).  Proceedings of the Queensland Development 1997 Conference, 13-14 November, Brisbane, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, 109 –116.

CRANFIELD, L.C., TUTTLE, J.S., PASCOE, G., 1998:  Paper one day, GIS the next.  Converting paper and digital records into the South –east Queensland Geological GIS.  Proceedings of the 14 th AGC Geological Society of Australia Queensland Division

CRANFIELD, L.C., WARNER, K.R., & DONCHAK, P.J.T., 1980: Moreton bay Islands water supply – geological Reconnaissance. Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 1980/38.

DASH, P.H., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1993: Mineral occurrences – Rumula 1:100 000 Sheet area, north Queensland. Queensland Geological Record 1993/17. Department of Minerals and Energy.

DAY, R.W., CRANFIELD, L.C., & SCHWARZBOCK, H., 1974: Stratigraphy and structural setting of Mesozoic basins in southeast Queensland and northeastern New South Wales. The Tasman Geosyncline – a symposium. Geological Society of Australia (Queensland Division).

HILL, P.G., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1992: Offshore Maryborough Basin, extent, structure, and petroleum potential from new geophysical survey. in Cenozoic and Mesozoic basins of offshore Australia. Abstracts from the AAPG International Conference, Sydney 1992. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 76, 7, 1107-1108.

KASTANIS, L.E., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1992: use of remotely sensed data to identify and map rubber vine (Cryptostegia Grandiflora) in northern Australia. 6th Australasian Remote Sensing Conference. 2-6th November 1992 Wellington New Zealand. 1, 410-412.

MURPHY, P.R., SCHWARZBOCK, H., CRANFIELD, L.C., WITHNALL, I.W., & MURRAY, C.G., 1976: Geology of the Gympie 1:250 000 Sheet area. Geological Survey of Queensland Report, 96.

MURPHY, P.R., TREZISE, D.L., HUTTON, L.J., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1974: Caboolture 1:100 000 Geological map. Geological Survey of Queensland.

MURPHY, P.R., TREZISE, D.L., HUTTON, L.J., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1987: Caboolture 1:100 000 Geological map Commentary. Geological Survey of Queensland.

MURRAY, C.G., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1989: Geology of the Rockhampton Region.  In Whitaker, W.G, (editor),  Field Conference Rockhampton Region. Geological Society of Australia (Queensland Division).

SCOTT M., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1993: Geological mapping in the Gympie 1:100 000 Sheet area – an update for 1991-1992. Queensland Government Mining Journal 94, 22-30.

SCOTT, M., CRANFIELD, L.C., ROBERTSON, A.D.C., & MURRAY,C.G., 1990: Base and precious metals in the Gympie Composite Terrane. PACRIM CONGRESS 90, 217-229. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

SCOTT, M., CRANFIELD, L.C., MURRAY, C.G., BARKER, R.M., BURROWS, P.E., DONCHAK, P.J.T., 1991: Geological mapping and metallogenic studies in the Gympie 1:100 000 Sheet area. Queensland Government Mining Journal, 92, 401-408.

WELLS, A.T., O’BRIEN, P.E., WILLIS, I.L., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1990: A new lithostratigraphic framework for the Early Jurassic units in the Bundamba Group, Queensland and New South Wales.  Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics Australia, 11, 397-404.



DONCHAK, P.J.T., LITTLE, T.A., SLIWA, R., & HOLCOMBE, R.J., 1995: Geology of metamorphic units of the North D’Aguilar Block -Goomeri, Nanango and Nambour 1:100 000 sheet areas.  Queensland Geological Record, 1995/7.

CROUCH, S.B.S., DONCHAK, P.J.T., TENISON WOODS, K., SCOTT, M., KWIECIEN, W. & GRAYSON, R., 1995:  Plutonic rocks of the North D’Aguilar Block.  Queensland Geological Record, 1995/8.

RANDALL, R.E., OSBORNE, J.H., DONCHAK, P.J.T., CROSBY, G.C. & SCOTT M., 1996: A Review of Mineral Exploration and known Mineral Occurrences within the Goomeri (9345), Nambour (9444) and Nanango (9344) 1:100 000 Sheet Areas, South Queensland.  Queensland Geological Record, 1996/4.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1996: Geology and Mineralisation of the Gympie Province.  In Mesozoic Geology of the eastern Australian Plate.  Geological Society of Australia Abstracts , 43, 156.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1997: Mining Project Help Wanted.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 98 (1142), 42-43.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & PASCOE, G., 1996:  A seamless digital geological GIS for the Moreton region.  Program and abstracts of Moreton Bay and Catchment Conference, 43, 156.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & PASCOE, G., 1998:  Development of a digital geological GIS for the Moreton region.  In:Tibbets, I.R., Hall, N.J., & Denison, W.C., editors, Moreton Bay and Catchment.  School of Marine Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane.pp. 107-110.

CRANFIELD, L.C, DONCHAK, P.J.T., RANDALL, R.E., CROSBY, G.C., & OSBORNE, J., 1998: Geological investigations in the Yarraman Sub Province, Southeast Queensland – Preliminary results of 1997 field work in the Southeast Queensland Project.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 99, 1160,11-22

CRANFIELD, L. C., DONCHAK, P.J.T., RANDALL, R.E., & CROSBY, G.C., 2001: Geology and Mineralisation of the Yarraman Subprovince, South-east Queensland. Queensland Geology 10, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

CRANFIELD, L.C., SCOTT, M., PASCOE, G.C., & LANE, R.P., 1999: Gympie 1:100 000 Special Geological map (Gympie & Laguna Bay ).  Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Brisbane.

CRANFIELD, L.C., SHORTEN, G., SCOTT, M., & BARKER, R., 1997: Geology and mineralisation of the Gympie Province. In Ashley, P.M., and Flood, P.G., (editors) Tectonics and Metallogenesis of the New England Orogen: Geological Society of Australia Special Publication, 19, 128 –147.

CRANFIELD, L.C., STEPHENS, C., & BRUVEL, F., 1996: Field guide to Mesozoic plate metallogenesis.  Geological Society of Australia Queensland Division, November, 1996.

CRANFIELD, L.C., TUTTLE, J., PASCOE, G., & GREIG, J., 1997: Paper one day, GIS the next.  Converting paper and digital records into the South –east Queensland Geological GIS.  In Beeston, J., (compiler).  Proceedings of the Queensland Development 1997 Conference, 13-14 November, Brisbane, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, 109 –116.

CRANFIELD, L.C., TUTTLE, J., & PASCOE, G., 1998:  Paper one day, GIS the next.  Converting paper and digital records into the South –east Queensland Geological GIS.  Proceedings of the 14 th AGC Geological Society of Australia Queensland Division.

CROUCH, S.B.S., TANG, J. & KWIECIEN, W., 1997: Geochemistry of the plutonic rocks of the North D’Aguilar Block.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 98, 1144, 6 -18.

CHAMBERLIN, R.M., 1997:  Geological maps, structural data, assay data and petrographic descriptions for railroad cuttings in the Triassic North Arm Volcanics, Eumundi Deviation – North Coast Railway, Southeastern Queensland.  Queensland Geological Record, 1997/7.

WILLEY, E.C. 1998: Maronghi Creek Beds: A Preliminary appraisal.  QueenslandGovernment Mining Journal, 99,1161, 49-56.

O’SULLIVAN, P.B., KOHN, B.P., & CRANFIELD, L.C., 1999: Fission track constraints on the Mesozoic thermotectonic history of the northern New England Orogen, southeastern Queensland.  Regional geology, tectonics and metallogenesis.  New England Orogen.  NEO ’99 conference proceedings, pp285-293.  Earth Sciences, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia.

CRANFIELD, L.C., 1999:  Gympie Special Sheet 9445, Part 9545, Queensland 1:100 000 Geological Map Commentary.  Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C., RANDALL, R.E., & PASCOE, G.C., 1999:  Kingaroy 1:100 000 Geological Map.  Department of Mines & Energy, Brisbane.

SOUTHERN REGION GEOSCIENCE, 1999:  Geoscience investigations in south Queensland, 1997 and 1998 – A new 1:100 000 geological map and publication release.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 100 (1174), 26-27.

RANDALL, R.E., DONCHAK, P.J.T., CROUCH, S.B.S., & PASCOE, G.S., 1999:  Nanango 1:100 000 Geological map sheet.  Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

DONCHAK, P.J.T., CROUCH, S.B.S., & PASCOE, G.C., 1999:  Goomeri 1:100 000 Geological Map.  Department of Mines & Energy , Brisbane.

TANG, J.E.H., & GUST, D.A., 2000: Revision and petrogenetic significance of intrusive units in the North D’Aguilar Block, south-east Queensland. Queensland Government Mining and Energy Journal, 101(1184), 49-61.

HORTON, D.J., 2000.  New western Queensland opal field maps.  Queensland Government Mining Journal, 101 (1182), 42-45.

CRANFIELD, L.C., TUTTLE, J.T., & PASCOE, G., 2000:  South-east Queensland Geoscience Information Package.  Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (Arcview version November 2000)

TUTTLE, J.T., CRANFIELD, L.C., & PASCOE, G., 2001:  South-east Queensland Geoscience Information Package.  Department of Natural Resources and Mines.  (Map Info version version February 2001)

CRANFIELD, L.C, DONCHAK, P.J.T., RANDALL, R.E., & CROSBY, G.C., 2001: Geology and mineralisation of the Yarraman Subprovince South-east Queensland.  Queensland Geology, 10.

CRANFIELD, L.C. CROSBY, G.C., & PASCOE, G.C., 2001:  Esk 1:100 000 Geological Map.  Department of Natural Resources & Mines, Brisbane.

CRANFIELD, L.C., DENARO, T.J., BURROWS, P.E, BULTITUDE, R.J., PURDY, D.J., DONCHAK, P.J.T., HORTON, D.J., & TANG, E.H.J., in preparation: Mines, mineral occurrences, exploration and geology of the Warwick and Tweed Heads 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland.

CRANFIELD, L.C., GRAYSON, R.G., & TUTTLE, J.S. (compilers) 2006;  Slope stability on basalt plateaux in southeast Queensland.  (A series of reports on constraints to closer development and an ARCGIS and MAPINFO GSI version.  Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water.



BURROWS, P.E., 2004: Mines, mineralisation and mineral exploration in the Rockhampton, Ridgelands and Rookwood 1:100 000 Sheet areas, central Queensland. Queensland Geological Record, 2004/3.

DENARO, T.J., WITHNALL, I.W., CUKPEPER, L.G., M.J., BURROWS, P.E., &. MORWOOD, D.A., 2003: Mines, mineralisation and mineral exploration in the Duchess and Boulia 1:250 000 Sheet areas, north-west Queensland. Queensland Geological Record, 2003/4.

DENARO, T.J., Z. KYRIAZIS, FITZELL, M.J., MORWOOD, D.A., & BURROWS, P.E., 2004: Mines, mineralisation and mineral exploration in the Northern Drummond Basin, Central Queensland. Queensland Geological Record, 2004/6.

DENARO, T.J., CULPEPER, L.G., BURROWS, P.E., & MORWOOD, D.A.,2004. Mines, mineralisation and mineral exploration in the Cloncurry 1:250 000 Sheet area, north-west Queensland. Queensland Geological Record, 2004/1.

GARRAD, P.D., (compiler), 2004: Queensland Minerals Second Edition 2004

GARRAD, P.D., & RAMSDEN, C., (compilers), 2006:  Queensland Minerals Third Edition 2006

GARRAD, P.D., & WITHNALL, I.W., 2004: Mineral Occurrences – Saint Lawrence and port Clinton 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Central Queensland, Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 2004/7.

LAM, J.S., 2004: A review of company exploration for metalliferous mineralisation in the Mackay 1:250 000 Sheet area. Queensland Geological Record, 2004/4.

LAM, J.S., & von GNEILINSKI, F.E., 2004:  A review of mines and metalliferous mineralisation in the Mackay (special) 1:250 000 Sheet area (including the Bundarra Pluton porphyry copper deposits).  Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 2004/5.

LAM, J.S, 2005a: A review of mines and metalliferous mineralisation in the Munduberra 1:250 000 Sheet area, Queensland. Geological Survey of Queensland Record, 2005/1.

LAM, J.S, 2005b: A review of exploration, mines and metalliferous mineralisation in the Clermont 1; 250 000 Map Sheet area Queensland Geological Record, 2005/2.

SCOTT, M., (compiler) 2006:  Mineral resource Assessment of the Yarrol province, central Queensland.  Department of Natural Resources and Mines Review Series.

CRANFIELD, L.C., GRAYSON, R.G., & TUTTLE, J.S. (compilers) 2006:  Slope stability on basalt plateaux in southeast Queensland.  (A series of reports on constraints to closer development and ARCGIS and MAPINFO GiS versions.  Department of Natural Resources , Mines and Water.

DENARO, T.J., CRANFIELD, L.C., FITZELL, M.J., BURROWS, P.E., & MORWOOD, D.A., 2007:  Mines, mineralisation and mineral exploration in the Maryborough 1:250 000 Sheet Area, South-East Queensland Queensland Geological Record, 2007/1

 LAM, J.S.F., & Garrad, P.D., 2007: A summary of field inspection of mineral deposits of the Hodgkinson Province. Queensland Geological Record, 2007/2

FELTRIN, LEONARDO, BAKER, TIMOTHY, SCOTT, MARGARETHA, WILKINSON,  KATE & BERTELLI MARTINA 2007: Application of worms and euler deconvolution estimates in 3D geomodelling: prospecting for epithermal gold systems in the Drummond and Bowen Basins.  4th international  conference ‘GIS in geology & earth sciences.

 Lam, J.S.F., & HODGKINSON, J., 2008: Mines, mineralisation and mineral exploration in the Chinchilla 1:250 000 Sheet Area.  Queensland Geological Survey of Record, 2008/3

CRANFIELD, L.C., & DIPROSE, G., 2008: Diamonds, diamond indicator minerals and a review of exploration for diamonds in Queensland. Queensland Geological Record, 2008/4.

CRANFIELD, L.C., & DIPROSE, G., 2008: Macro and microdiamonds Diamond Indicator Minerals and Indicators for Diamond Exploration in Queensland PACRIM Congress 2008.  pp 147-151.  Australian Institute of Mining and metallurgy.

TANG, J., 2008:  An integrated Geochemical Approach for Future Mineral Exploration in Queensland.  PACRIM Congress 2008.  pp 221-224.  Australian Institute of Mining and metallurgy.

SCOTT, M., FELTRIN, L., Mc LENNAN, J., WILKINSON, K., DIXON, O., BLAKE, P., & PURDY, D., 2008:  Three-Dimensional Numerical Modelling – Tools for Assessing Mineral Resource Potential Under Cover.  PACRIM Congress 2008.  pp 243-251.  Australian Institute of Mining and metallurgy.

FELTRIN, L., BAKER, T., OLIVER, N., WILKINSON, K., FITZELL, M., DIXON, O., & BERTELLI, M., 2008:  Using geomodelling and geophysical inversion to evaluate the geological controls on low-sulphidation epithermal Au-Ag mineralisation in the Drummond and Bowen Basins.  Proceedings of American Institute of Physics Conference, 1009, pp123-148.

CRANFIELD, L.C., DENARO, T.J., BURROWS, P.E, BULTITUDE, R.J., PURDY, D.J., DONCHAK, P.J.T., HORTON, D.J., & TANG, E.H.J., 2019: Mines, mineral occurrences, exploration and geology of the Warwick and Tweed Heads 1:250 000 Sheet areas, Queensland.  Geological Survey of Queensland and Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales.



  1. Editing of all outputs from GSD 2009-2012 including delivery of the collaborative GEOMAP geology maps, airborne geophysics, geochemistry, GEOMAP digital archive, the Ramu metallogenic map and the Buna 1:250 000 geological map and explanatory notes. The Wabag Special metallogenic map is in final production and requires editing.
  2. Delivery of GSD staff projects (see appendix for all reports) including a new product PNG Minerals 2011   which documents current status of all mines and prospects by commodity and includes a brief summary of PNG geology. Geological framework and mineralization of Papua New Guinea — an update was produced with Stephen Sheppard and includes current references on PNG geology.
  3. Negotiated access and delivery of IPSAR radar from DIGO and scanning of Geoscience Australia’s airphotos and notebook data over PNG to develop a country-wide geological database of samples.
  4. Organised photgraphing and repacking of all samples from the GSPNG core library.
  5. Managed the creation of new databases for Surface Geology (with former GMME manager ) and mineral occurrences and exploration summaries based on the Geological Survey of Queensland’s and GSWA databases.
  6. Attended conferences in China, Malaysia, and Toronto and generated material and presentations, and promoted PNG’s exploration and mining industry and the new GSD products.
  7. Approved and edited research contributions by staff undertaking overseas MSc studies in UK and Germany.
  8. Submission of MRA Board papers for restructuring on GSD to include coal and geothermal units.
  9. Member of MAC deliberating on PNG’s mining tenure applications and renewals with guidelines and an assessment template.
  10. Organised and budgeted for attendance of staff at conferences emphasizing IGC 2012.
  11. Wrote TORs for World bank projects and for a new airborne survey of western PNG (WAPNGS), assessed tenders for World bank and MRA Board approval.
  12. Negotiated agreements with China Geological Survey for ongoing collaboration and for training and analysis of samples for a country-wide program geochemistry program.
  13. Trained staff of Regulatory Operations Division in techniques of assessing reporting by exploration companies in Papua New Guinea in 2013.
  14. Assessed tenders for a digital tenement management system in PNG in 2013
  15. Assessed statistics for mining production for PNGs Sovereign Wealth Fund Infrastructure project.
  16. Assessed Mining Lease applications for OK Tedi extension and Woodlark Island and Mining Advisory Council in 2013.



BANDELOW, F., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7987 Musak. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

DAVIES, H.A., and WILLIAMSON, A.N., 2012: 1:250, 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7787 Buna. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

DOBMEIER, C. J., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7787 Jimi. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

DOBMEIER, C. J. and PAPUA, S., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7788 Rain. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

DOBMEIER, C. J. and POKE, B., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7887 Aiome. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

DOBMEIER, C. J., POKE, B. and WAGNER, B., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7886 Minj. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

EGARA, S. S., 2010: Groundwater study for Minj Town- Jivaka Province. Geological Survey Technical Note TN 06/2010.

EGARA, S.S., 2011: Martyrs Memorial High School groundwater study report.  Technical Note TN 06/2010.

EGARA, S., VERAVE, R. and LAHAN, M. 2010: Report on radiometric survey of suspected uranium Occurrences on Sudest Island. Geological Survey Technical Note, TN 08/ 2010.

GEOMAP ARCHIVE 2012: All technical reports and database and maps from the Geomap Project 2006-2011.

IRARUE, P., AND R. VERAVE, 2010. Seismic refraction survey for geotechnical investigations at the relocation of the RVO office, Kokopo. Technical Note TN 2/2010.

IRARUE , P., KAWAGLE, S.A., and MOSUSU, N.T., 2012. Using derivatives to interpret airborne magnetic data on the Ramu 1:250 000 sheet area. Science in New Guinea Journal, 31 (2011),pp33-48.

IRARUE, P., SWALILI, D., EGARA, S., and MOSUSU, N., 2010. Resistivity survey for groundwater investigations, Simberi Island, New Ireland Province, Geological Survey Technical Note TN./2010.

IRARUE, P., KUNA G. and SWALILI, D., 2012:  01/2012, Kudjip Seismic refraction survey, , Geological Survey technical note 01/2012.

KUMAN, N., 2011: Grace Memorial groundwater investigation, Geological Survey Technical Note, TN 04/2011.

KUNA, G.,2011, Site inspection report on LMP and SME Surrender – OK Tedi Mining, Geological Survey technical note, TN  06/2011.

KUNA, G., 2011: Geotechnical appraisal of Gulf – Southern highlands Highway route, Desk study Report submitted to Dept of Transport.

KAWAGLE, S and VERAVE, R., 2010. Recent marine investigation of the Ontong Java Plateau, South Western Pacific, Geological Survey Technical Note TN 04/2010.

MOSUSU, N., in preparation. Geophysical signatures of crustal lineament control on regional magmatism and mineralization, Double and Porgera, Papua New Guinea. Geological Survey Technical Note.

MOSUSU. N, 2011; Resistivity survey for ground water development at Finschafen, Morobe, Geological Survey technical note TN 09/2011.

MOSUSU, N. and GIWI, L,2011:  Magnetic signature of the Kusi mineralised prospect, Garaina, Morobe Province Geological Survey technical note TN 05/2011.

MOSUSU, N and SWALILI, D.2011. Chimbu limestone geophysical investigation, Chuave, Chimbu Province Geological Survey technical note TN 01/2011.

MOSUSU, N, EGARA, S. and SWALILI, D., 2010: Direct current resistivity surveyfor groundwater investigations, Minj Town, Jiwaka Province, Geological Survey Technical Note Geological Survey Technical Note TN 05/2010.

MOSUSU, N., EGARA, S., KUNA, G., IRARUE, P AND VERAVE, R., 2009. Kairiru Island geothermal reconnaissance survey, East Sepik Province. Geological Survey Report Geological Survey Technical Note, TN 3/2010.

MOSUSU, N., IRARUE, P, & SWALILI, D., 2010. Resistivity Survey for groundwater, Simberi Island, New Ireland Province. Geological Survey Technical Note TN 08/2010

MOSUSU, N.T., 2012. Magnetic signature of the Kusi mineral prospect, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, 2 (2012), pp209-219.

MOSUSU, N, IRARUE, P and VERAVE, R, 2012, Magnetic signature of the Kotna mineral prospect, Hagen, Western Highlands Province: Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea, Technical Note 2012/02, 18p.

NIRU, P., 2012: Urban geology map and report for Port Moresby.  Mineral Resources Authority 2012.

SAROA D, TSIPERAU CU, ABIARI, I, BOKIUK AL, KUMAN, N, LAHAN , MM, POKE,B, TEVLONE AP and SHEPPARD, S, 2012: A preliminary re-examination of the geology of the Wau–Bulolo area: Mineral Resources Authority, Papua New Guinea, Technical Note 2012/2.

SAROA, D , VERAVE, R , AND LAHAN. M.,2011: Resistivity survey of a salt deposit and geothermal areas in Wau – Bulolo. Geological Survey technical note 03/2011.

SAROA, D., 2012:  PNG Minerals 2011.  Mineral Resources Authority 2012.

SHEPPARD, S. AND CRANFIELD, L.C., 2012: Geological framework and mineralization of Papua New Guinea — an update.  Mineral Resources Authority 2012.

SPIELER, O. & HOEFLAKEN VAN, F., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7488 Double. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

SPIELER, O. S., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7686 Wapenamanda. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

TIMM, F., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7986 Bundi. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

TIMM, F., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7785 Ialibu. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

TIMM, F. & MUKE, L., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7885 Kubor. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.

TIMM, F., 2011: Geology of Kubor Anticline, PNG. Geological Survey technical note 07/2011.

VERAVE, R., EGARA, S., IRARUE, P. and MOSUSU, N., 2009. Groundwater investigation at Martyrs’ Secondary School, Oro Province. Geological Survey Technical Note TN 10/2009.

VERAVE, R, LAHAN, M. AND IRARUE, P., 2010. Seismic refraction survey for geotechnical investigations at the new DMPGM Headquarters, Konedobu. . Geological Survey Technical Note TN 10/2009.

VERAVE, R., LAHAN, M., AND EGARA, S., 2011.  , Geophysical Investigation of suspected uranium radiation health risk on Sudest Island Milne Bay Province using a gamma ray spectrometer, Geological Survey technical note 02/2011

WAGNER, B. & SPIELER, O., 2012: 1:100 000 Geological map series of Papua New Guinea, Sheet 7786 Hagen. Port Moresby: Mineral Resources Authority.




Light burning shale project for Austral Bricks January 2018

Technical Director Coal Seam Gas project Surat Basin, Queensland, September 2015- march 2017

International Geological Expert, National Geological Survey Project 2016

Consultant assessor and trainer, Regulatory Operations Division, Mineral resources Authority, PNG 2013

Executive manager Geological Survey Division, Mineral Resources Authority, PNG   2009-2012

Geoscience Manager Mineral Resource Studies                               2003-2009

Lecturing in API/GIS, Hong Kong University, February-July      2003

Team Leader Project Facilitation                                                      2001-2002

Southern Regional Geoscience Manager                                        1995-2001, 2003

Voluntary English teaching Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou, China                                                                                                      2002


Acting as Director, Geological Survey of Queensland      December 1999, March-April, 2000; March 2003, December 2003, January 2004, January 2005, February, March, April, July August, September 2005, May, July-August 2006)



I was employed with the Department of Minerals & Energy since1969; major projects include assessment of coal resources, geological mapping, stratigraphic drilling, water resources, interpretation and management of satellite and geophysical imagery and development of Project GIS.  Leadership of projects has been a part of my work since 1970.


Coal Resource Assessment –     -Ipswich Coalfield              1969-1970


Geological mapping

          1:250 000 Scale

                            -Ipswich/Brisbane                                                1970-1973

                              – Gympie                                                               1973-1976

                              – Maryborough                                                   1979-1994

                              Yarraman Sub Province                                   2001

                              Warwick-Tweed Heads                                    2001-2002

          1:100 000 Scale

                              – Caboolture                                                      1974-1976

                              – Ipswich                                                           1978-1981

                              – Brisbane                                                         1981-1982

                              – Lyndbrook                                                     1982-1986

                              – Rumula                                                           1984-1986

                              – Clarence Moreton Basin                             1988

                              – Charters Towers                                          1990

                              – Gympie                                                         1990-1993

                              – Murwillumbah, Nambour                        1996

                              – Mount Lindesay                                        1996

                              Southeast Queensland maps                    1996-1998

                              -Yarraman Sub province                          1996-1998



Mineral Occurrence Mapping

                              – Maryborough 1:250 000                    1991-1992

                              – Kingaroy                                                1997

                              – Boondooma                                          1998

                              Yarraman Sub Province                     2000-2001

                               Warwick – Tweed Heads                  2001-2003

                              Maryborough 1:250 000update      2005

                              Diamonds in Queensland                 2007-2008

                              Management of program                2003-2009

Water resources    – Moreton Bay Islands              1977


Stratigraphic drilling -Ipswich  1:250 000          1972-1974

                              – Gympie   1:250 000                        1973-1975

                              — Nambour  1:100 000                    1977

                              – Brisbane 1:100 000                       1978

                              – Ipswich  1:100 000                       1978-1979

                              – Maryborough 1:250 00               1979 – 1982

                              – Rumula 1:100 000                        1990


Satellite image interpretation

                              -Ipswich 1:100 00 (MSS data)       1978

                              – Charters Towers 1:100 000         1990

                              -Lyndbrook 1:100 000                     1986

                              – Gympie 1:100 000                          1991-1992

                              – Hann River, Walsh

                             and Red River,1:250000                 1993

                              – Nanango/Goomeri/Nambour, 1:100 000


                              – Ridgelands/

                                 Rockhampton 1:100 000           1993-1994

                              – Lolworth     1:100 000                 1994

                              -SEQ 2001 area                               1995 -1999

                              -Yarraman Sub Province              1996-1999

                              Warwick Texas area                       2000-2001

                              Mount Rawdon Project area         2008-2009


Forensic Geology

Gave evidence on the results of analysis of sand samples from a body in the murder of Yvonne Mary Laenen                                                                                             1978


Environmental issues

Site geology of a Proposed radioactive materials store, Redbank        1989

Site geology of the Mount Taylor Gold Mines (Kingston)                         1989

Soils mapping City of the Gold Coast                                                             2000

GIS on constraints to closer development on basalt areas of SE Qld   2004



Geophysical and satellite image data management and interpretation

This includes the generation of catalogues for all hard copy and digital imagery held by the Geological Survey, business case for purchase of computer hardware and software, evaluation of tenders for AIRDATA project and computer equipment, justification of purchases                                                        1993 –1995


Yarraman Sub Province                                                                                      1996-1999

Texas Subprovince                                                                                               2000-2001

Mount Rawdon Corridor project                                                                      2008-2009


Geoscience GIS products

Southeast Queensland GIS                                                                               1998

Southeast Queensland GIS version 2 (including Warwick-Tweed Heads)                                                                                                                                  2002


Courses and training


Modern and ancient volcanic successions                                              1985

Report writing course –                                                                              1986

4 wheel driving course                                                                                1986

EGRU remote sensing workshop JCU Townsville                                1987

AMIRA technology transfer workshop                                                     1988

Interpretation of Geophysical imagery                                                    1988

First aid courses                                                                                            1989 onwards-annual updates

Leadership development course – Internal                                              1989

AMIRA technology transfer workshop                                                     1989

Middle Management course – Kooralbin                                                 1990

AMIRA technology transfer workshop                                                      1990

Spectral properties of Geological Materials and Vegetation, Perth                                                                                                                                        1990

BRS search and command directory                                                         1990

Effective presentation skills                                                                       1990

Sedimentology course                                                                                 1990

Advanced GIS course UNSW                                                                    1993

Plan perfect training                                                                                    1992

Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint training                                  1994,1995

UNIX training at Computer vision                                                            1995

UNIX training at Griffith university                                                          1995

ER Mapper training                                                                                        1995

Intrepid training                                                                                              1995

Change management workshop                                                                    1996

ArcView training                                                                                               1996

Map Info training                                                                                             1996

Aspects of strategic planning for mineral exploration                               1997

Quantitive estimation of undiscovered mineral deposits                          1997

Ore textures interpretation                                                                              1997

Landsat TM imagery interpretation                                                                1997

Introduction to Windows NT                                                                            1997

Project management workshop                                                                        1997

Ergonomics and office handling                                                                       1998

Workforce management strategies for the Queensland Public Service                                                                                                                                                                                           1998

Introduction to accrual accounting                                                                   1998

Learning curve aeromagnetics                                                                            1998

SAP training for managers                                                                                   1998

SAP entering cash flows                                                                                        1998

MFO output performance measures                                                                   1998

MFO state budget process                                                                                     1998

Resuscitation refresher course                                                                             1999

MFO analysis and interpretation of financial reports                                      1999

MFO developing and managing an output budget                                           1999

Ethical Skills training                                                                                            1999

Exploration in ore deposits                                                                                  2000

Negotiation and influencing skills workshop                                                   2000

Arc/GIS training                                                                                                     2005

ER Mapper training                                                                                              2006

Mentoring training skills                                                                                       2006

MS Access training                                                                                                 2006

ARC GIS update                                                                                                       2010




Marketing exploration and mining globally

NEWS FLASH- book and course Custodians and Earth Custodians (Vision For Caring For Our Earth’s Ecosystem) are available . SEE- Main Menu: Custodians Gold mining open cut

PDAC review of exploration in 2017, projections for 2018 and marketing to promote investment

S&P Global Market Intelligence predicts that exploration  will continue to expand over 2018 (PDAC S&P market intelligence) .  Sustaining exploration and mining 

Exploration expenditure globally in 2017  for nonferrous metals increased  US$8.4 billion mo re than  US$1 billion in excess of 2016. This was the first annual increase after four consecutive years of declining investment, according to the World Exploration Trends (WET) report from S&P Global Market Intelligence, released in conjunction with this year’s Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) International Convention in March 2018.

Mark Ferguson from S&P Global Market Intelligence  commented that an improved equity market support for explorers facilitated drill programs by companies on  more promising projects. Gold was a main focus for no-ferrous metals and base metals exploration improved in the second half of the year, and with the renewable sector and EV demand battery metal projects contributed to the increase.

Q4 of  2017 demonstrated an increase in reported drill results, and project financing t improved resulting in a level of exploration  activity similar to  early 2013.  Despite market volatility in  metal prices achieved were positive.  However, sustaining the increase in exploration will be a challenge for 2018 and require better promotion of projects and stable geopoltical situation.

Key takeaways from the report:

  • Signs of life: following  four years of depressed spending in exploration , aggregate nonferrous exploration budget increased  to US$7.95 billion of PDAC surveyed companies — a 14% increase over 2016.
  • Due to  funding challenges faced by some junior companies early in the year,  explorers’spending plans declined  to 1,535 companies (- 3%) year-over-year .
  • major miners (revenues >US$1 billion) allocated only a small proportion of  revenues to exploration with riskier exploration remaining relatively unattractive.
  • Canada, Australia and U.S. : with allocations totalling US$5.55 billion lead the exploration spending. The top 10 countries accounted for 70% of the US$7.95 billion global surveyed total.
  • Gold led the way to a higher global budget in 2017.
  • Battery metals exploration surges: lithium exploration allocations in 2017 more than doubled year-over-year, while cobalt-focused exploration also increased strongly.
  • Exploration improves: The S&P Global Market ket pricess Intelligence’s measure of exploration activity, ( Pipeline Activity Index) increased from 77 (Q3) to 87 in Q4 the highest since Q1 2013, at the start of  2018.

ASX monthly market trends

Share prices for ASX listed companies over the six month period to October 2018 show a trend that very few resource based stocks have changed positively over the period in value over the period are related to energy production, but this a changeable issue related to market demand and perceptions of company performance in this very competitive marketplace.

For current information I recommend  Rob Murdoch of AUSTEX  who publishes a subscription  based review of the mining industry trends in Australia  looking at 794 Australian companies and gives an ongoing view of the marketplace in real time.







Websites and digital marketing for the mining industry

Ok Tedi Volcanic Bressia

Summary of website variations for the mining industry

Each part of the mining industry is promoted  locally and globally through conferences, workshop and seminars to small and large scale investors .  There are several parts to the industry and each has traditionally been marketed separately.

Websites for the First Stage of Mineral Exploration and suggestions for changes

The first part of the process is the exploration phase.  This is undertaken by exploration companies who utilize existing information on prospectivity and pre-competitive information to apply for areas to be explored under an licence to explore. The entity to undertake the exploration is an individual,  private company, or a publicly listed company.  Private companies by their nature do not have to document publicly the information for their exploration, but this is held in Australia in company reports by the various state Mines and Natural Resources Department and released after the cessation of the exploration permit.

Similarly publicly -listed companies do not have the details of their exploration released in detail to a wider audience, but are commonly required to identify significant mineral intersections in line with mining legislation.  Generally, private listed companies have scant information on a website, but it is a market advantage for support of publicly listed companies to have details of mineral intersections listed on websites and presentations of the results of current exploration to interested shareholders. At this stage the resource is not adequately defined, but there is knowledge

Although representatives of companies spend considerable time and effort giving presentations about the current mineral intersection results of current drilling and  proposals for future drilling the number of promising projects that fail to produce a mine is over 90%.  This leads into the failures to mine a resources after identifying  the amount of available resources from pre-feasibility and bankable feasibility studies Why this is so stems from a number of factors such as:-

  1. The original concept of the style of mineralization was incorrect and the targeted exploration was ineffective in defining the mineralised zones
  2. The global supply was in excess of demand and requirements for the commodity were low
  3. The company did not have adequate bankable resources  from a feasibility study  and could not convince potential investors to assist in funding the next stage of exploration and / or development
  4. The company did not have a successful off take agreement for the resource
  5. Transport and processing of the ore was too expensive due to the remote location
  6. The  ore was refractory and could not be processed with current technology

Most of the above issues can be effectively managed and for investors to be confident enough to buy shares in a public company it would give them more security in investing.



Mining Industry Reviews

NEWS FLASH- book and course Custodians and Earth Custodians (Vision For Caring For Our Earth’s Ecosystem) are available . SEE- Main Menu: Custodians

Fraser Institute reports of the perceived most and least favourable mining industry jurisdictions 2019

One of the outcomes of the PDAC annual confere nces is a review of the mining industry. This review is an assessment of the most and least prospective jurisdictions  to explore and develop resources. This review is undertaken by the Fraser Institute an independent Canadian public policy research and educational organisation.  Fraser Institute  has offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal and ties to a global network of think-tanks in 87 countries. In 2019 Fraser Institute  denoted Western Australia as the most attractive global jurisdiction to explore and develop a resource. for mining investment followed by Finland (2nd), the U.S. state of Nevada (3rd), based on its Annual Survey of Mining Companies.

Based on 76 jurisdictions  ten most attractive 1) Western Australia 2) Finland 3) Nevada 4) Alaska 5) Portugal 6) South Australia 7) Republic of Ireland 8) Idaho 9) Arizona 10) Sweden

The 10 least attractive regions are: 67) Nicaragua 68) Mali  69) Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 70) Venezuela 71) Zambia 72) Dominican Republic 73) Guatemala 74) La Rioja, Argentina 75) Chubut, Argentina  76)  and Tanzania 77)..


The top jurisdiction in the world for investment based on  Investment Attractiveness Index is Nevada, which moved up from 3rd place in 2019.  Arizona, which ranked 9th in 2019, moved into 2nd place. Saskatchewan climbed eight spots from 11th in 2019 to 3rd in 2020. Western Australia ranked 4th this year after topping the ranking last year, and Alaska dropped a spot from 4th in 2019 to 5th in 2020. Rounding out the top 10 are Quebec, South Australia, Newfoundland & Labrador, Idaho, and Finland.

When considering both policy and mineral potential in the Investment Attractiveness Index, Venezuela ranks as the least attractive jurisdiction in the world for investment followed by Argentina: Chubut, and Tanzania. Other jurisdictions  in the bottom 10 (beginning with the worst) are Indonesia, Argentina: La Rioja, Bolivia, Argentina: Mendoza, Zimbabwe, Spain, and Michigan.

Geological potential  and economic considerations are important factors in mineral exploration that must be considered with a  region’s policy climate. The Fraser Institute uses a Policy Perception Index (PPI)  composite measure of the overall policy attractiveness of the 77 jurisdictions in their survey. The Policy Perception Index is composed of survey responses to policy factors that affect investment decisions for exploration and mining.  These policy factors include  uncertainty on the effective administration of current regulations, environmental regulations, regulatory duplication and the prevailing legal system and taxation regime. Other administrative uncertainties include protected areas, disputed land claims, infrastructure, socioeconomic and community development conditions, trade barriers, political stability and  labour regulations. The quality of the geological database  is also in doubt as is  security in operation and the skill level and availability of labour

Current ratings on the PPI score has Idaho displacing Finland for top spot with the highest PPI score of 100. This was followed by Wyoming in the second place, which moved from 16th in the previous year. The other top 10 rankings are  Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Newfoundland & Labrador, Saskatchewan, and New Mexico.

The 10 least investment attractive jurisdictions  based on the PPI rankings are Venezuela (least attractive), Argentina: Chubut, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, Argentina: Mendoza, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Indonesia, and Argentina: La Rioja.


Fraser Institute’s 2021 annual mining and exploration company survey assesses how mineral endowments and public policy factors such as taxation and regulatory uncertainty affect exploration investment. The survey had  290 responses (13%)  providing  data to evaluate 84 jurisdictions increasing from 77 in 2020, 76 in 2019, 83 in 2018, and 91 in 2017. The number of jurisdictions that can be included in the study is related to the size of the sector, global commodity prices and other factors. This  survey also includes permit times, similar to 2020.

The  Investment Attractiveness Index

The Investment Attractiveness Index combines the Best Practices Mineral Potential index based on their geologic attractiveness, and the Policy Perception Index.  Investment attractiveness   is a composite index that measures the effects of government policy on exploration investment. Measuring  the attractiveness of a jurisdiction is  based on policy factors such as onerous regulations, taxation levels, the quality of infrastructure, and the other policy related questions. The Policy Perception Index alone does not recognize the fact that investment decisions are often based mainly on the pure mineral potential of a jurisdiction. Overall, respondents consistently indicate that approximately 40 percent of their investment decision is determined by policy factors.

Highest Investment attraction Index. 
The top global jurisdiction  for investment based on the Investment Attractiveness Index is Western Australia, which moved up from 4th place in 2020. Saskatchewan went up from a rank of 3rd in 2020 to 2nd in 2021. Nevada, which topped the ranking last year, ranked 3rd in 2021. Rounding out the top 10 are Alaska, Arizona, Quebec, Idaho, Morocco, Yukon, and South Australia. The United States has the most jurisdictions (4) in this year’s top 10, followed by Canada (3), Australia (2), and Africa (1).

Lowest Investment Attraction index

When considering both policy and mineral potential in the Investment Attractiveness Index, Zimbabwe ranks as least attractive jurisdiction  for investment followed by Spain, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Mali. Also, in the bottom 10 (from the next worst) are Nica ragua, China, Panama, Mendoza, Venezuela, and South Africa. Latin America (including Argentina and the Caribbean) and Africa are the regions with the greatest number of jurisdictions (4) in the bottom 10. Asia, which features once again in our analysis for the first time since 2018, and Europe, both contribute with one jurisdiction each in the bottom 10.

Top Policy Perception Index jurisdictions

The policy perception Index is  “report card” to governments on the attractiveness of their mining policies.  Geologic and economic considerations are important factors in mineral exploration however, a region’s policy climate is also an important investment consideration. The Policy Perception Index (PPI) composite index  measures the overall policy attractiveness of the 84 jurisdictions in the survey. The index is composed of survey responses to policy factors that affect investment decisions. Policy factors examined include uncertainty concerning the administration of current regulations, environmental regulations, regulatory duplication, the legal system and taxation regime, uncertainty concerning protected areas and disputed land claims. Also included are  infrastructure, socioeconomic and community development conditions, trade barriers, political stability, labour regulations, quality of the geological database, security, and labour and skills availability.

The Republic of Ireland  with the highest PPI score of 100 displaced Idaho (which dropped out of the top 10) this year . Morocco with a score of 98.06 took the second and displaced Wyoming, which also dropped out of the top 10 . Other top 10 ranked jurisdictions are Northern Ireland, Western Australia, Quebec, Nevada, Utah, Saskatchewan, Finland, and Alberta. Europe and Canada are the regions with the most jurisdictions (3 each) in the top 10 followed by the United States (2), Australia (1), and Africa (1).

The bottom policy perception Index jurisdictions 

The 10 least attractive jurisdictions for investment based on the PPI rankings are Venezuela, (last) Philippines, Argentina: Chubut, Nicaragua, y: Mendoza, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia. This year, Latin America and Argentina contribute five of the bottom 10 jurisdictions followed by Africa (2), Asia (2), and Oceania (1).

For your assessment of jurisdictions in Queensland, Papua New Guinea and Mongolia.

