Cranfield Geological Services

Grab your opportunity to contribute towards
the protection of our unique, beautiful planet!

Welcome to the Cranfield


Cranfield Geological Services (CGSI)

The Principal Leonard Cranfield had a  career spanning  more than 50 years in the Queensland Geological Survey,  as Chief Government Geologist and consultant to Papua New Guinea and delivering industry projects through Cranfield Geological Service International Pty Ltd.

Cranfield Geological Services International Pty Ltd (CGSI) was established in late 2015.  Its first geological services consultancy updated geological mapping, geological  stratigraphy and geological structure of the eastern margin of the Surat basin to resolve issues of the previous geological mapping of this area carried out from late 1960s to early 1970s and included unique local issues such as the reason for large gas emissions in parts of the Condamine River.

The most recent work of the company has involved the production of Custodians products.

Meet the Author,

Leonard Cranfield.

For the past 50+ years Leonard has been helping private clients and several governmental departments and academia unravel and understand the urgency for a better management of our natural resources, and created this training material to assist anyone who wants to positively contribute to a healthy and sustainable modern living without further compromising our Earth’s ecosystem and create a proud legacy for the future generations.

In this life-changing course and book, Leonard will offer you through 11 extensive modules with the knowledge to unlock true sustainability without negative impact on our ecosystems.

This essential work is helping hundreds of students and businesses around the world, and it’s yours to access today!

Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ)
Executive manager and Chief Government Geologist (MRA, PNG)
Wrote more than 100 geoscientific publications

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Years of Experience

In his life-changing course Book (Custodians) and courses (Earth Custodian) Leonard will offers practical you ways to change human behaviour to preserve earth's ecosystem that sustains all life.

Custodians – A vision for caring for our earth

Government Corruption, Collapse of Previous Civilisations, and Geological Processes Create Landscapes and Resources that Delop Human civilisations.

Geohistory and Geo-Awareness – Processes that Create the Landscapes and Resources of a Region Enhance Urban Settlements to Form Its Most Pro minent Megacity.

Global Geohistory National and Geo-Parks, World Heritage Parks.

Resource Requirements Linked to Technological Changes.

New Resources and Acceptable Business Practices.

21st Century Critical Issues Affecting the Planet and Human Civilisations.

Human-Induced Change – Pollution, Land Degradation and Climate – Many Questions to Ponder.

Powering Humanity to Sustain Our Earth Now and in the Future.

Conclusions – Ways Forward

Earth Custodians online course App comprises 240 plus slides organized in separate modules:

Large-scale geological processes that affect- our earth

Geological processes, governments and human civilisation

Geohistory of megacities (New York and Sydney)

Geohistory of natural wonders and ancient civilizations

Human ecosystem degradation and effects on climate

Mass extinctions

Chemistry and Technology

Power generation, renewable and non-renewable sources

What are the components of climate change? its effects and how can humanity change to do something about it?

Sustainable development

SIM: Sustainability in Mining

Proposed actions

Saving the earth from ecosystem collapse

Humanity must become more aware of how to take care of each other before we can understand how to take care of our planet as custodians.

The global corruption levels of government and secrecy from its citizens has increased and this is endemic even in the most democratic nations. Corruption makes all decisions of government.

The 21 st Century has been dubbed the ‘information age’ with most of the known elements being extracted to support a complex knowledge-based modern civilisation.

An examination of the current processes employed by business shows significant shortfalls in addressing the environmental effects of large projects that have extensive land use and complexity. Locally the result of these actions has been major environmental and human tragedies.

Major problems of the 21st Century are air, water , land and marine pollution, probable extinction of one million species by 2030, land degradation and climatic perturbations.

The impact of disasters and disease on human and animal populations and vegetation are examples of what has been grouped under the human induced change. The bush fire season in Australia and elsewhere has been exacerbated by increasing aridity of climate and vegetation and the over allocation of water in major river systems in drought conditions.

Power generation in the 20th and 21st centuries has brought more people out of poverty, but it’s consistent clean power generation with minimum pollution and land clearing that is the key to a healthy ecosystem.

As custodians humanity needs to find better ways to undertake activities in harmony with our earth’s changes of climate, ecosystem and our needs to fulfil our role as true custodians of our wondrous home. Humans need to wake up, step up, and be heard to make our earth a sustainable liveable ecosystem for us, our animals, and everything.

For Futher Inquiry


Basin analysis Expert

Overall there can be a distinction between weather events and Geological Hazards

  • Geological Hazards  are ones that link directly to geological processes and extra terrestrial events that affect human and animal populations and associated plant life and,
  • Weather events and biological hazards It can be argued that these events may be exacerbated due to higher populations and human- induced global changes that affect climate and land degradation .
  • There is a causal link between earth movements that cause earthquakes and volcanoes that link downslope to movement of rock and soil material. Ash flows and falls from volcanoes can form lahars (volcanic mud flows), landslips and landslides. Similarly movement along oceanic plate fault lines causes earth quakes and locally tsunamis on shorelines.

Surat Basin Project Basin Analysis

‘Surat Basin Project Basin Analysis as an industry priority project consultancy was published in July 2017. It showed how basin analysis could integrate airborne geophysics, remote sensing, databases of borehole intersection and existing digital mapping to upgrade surface and subsurface mapping and utilise magnetic data to interpret subsurface mapping of geological units. Here is the launch with the principal and State Government (DNRM) and Coal Seam Gas Industry representatives.

This project mapping revised the stratigraphy of Surat Basin and redefined the extent of the producing coal seam gas units close to their areas of outcrop and updated DNRM’s SEQ GIS first Geoscientific GIS that was first released in 1998 and updated in 2000.

At The University of Hong Kong (HKU) In 2003 the principal created and delivered courses on field techniques, report writing methods, air photo interpretation, remote sensing, and GIS technology in geoscientific projects.

Dr Susan Donohue head of department of HKU in 2003 testimonial stated “…students appreciated Len’s efforts to develop this material for them and are cognisant of the importance and relevance of this work to their future careers in the earth science. Len received a higher SET (Student Evaluation of teaching) scores above the Departmental average and he is to be commended for this. I hope we will have the opportunity to work with Len in the near future“”.


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Free Introduction and Summary of Course Modules, accessible in the smartphone App!

Our Work

Mines, outcrops and landscapes in Queensland, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia and Malaysia

Become a Custodian of our Earth
Call : +61-498259376
